| 007; s e v e n.

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[ R E M U S ]

[ 09.27.1976 ]

[ t h i r d p e r s o n ]

[ unedited ]

remus had gotten out of the hospital wing a few days after arden had come to see him

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remus had gotten out of the hospital wing a few days after arden had come to see him. he was currently lying down with his book by the old oak tree with lily evans. the two hardly spoke to each other while they laid there, but enjoyed the company of one another. they had both been going through a lot, at school for remus and at home for lily. her older sister, petunia, had recently gotten a new boyfriend who despised lily almost as much as petunia did.

"quite a wanker if you ask me," remus had claimed after lily had told him about vernon.

"and he's bloody ugly!" she added, throwing her hands up in the air. she showed remus a picture of the two lovers.

"merlin, lily, he's built like a pig," sirius snorted, joining the two.

"he bloody acts like one too!"

"never thought of my lilyflower to be one of trash talk," james intervened, joining the conversation also, having come over with sirius.

" it's not trash talk it's honesty. and for the nth time, i am NOT your lilyflower! so if you don't mind, quit calling me that, you daft dimbo."

" you know you like me," james stated, smirking at the ginger.

"that's tosh, if i do say so myself. now, if you'll excuse me, i have to get going," lily told the boys, gathering her things together and riding from her place on the warm grass. "i'll see you boys later."

"i'll, uh, walk you to class."

"that's hardly necessary, james. but thank you for the offer."

"funny. i don't remember offering. fair well, boys."

"we have binn's together in 5 minutes james," remus informed the cocky boy. "speaking of which, we should get going."


"moony it's been a week since the full moon and you're still pale. are you alright?" sirius asked, walking with remus down the corridor, genuinely concerned about his friend.

"i'm quite dandy, if i do say so myself. just... dehydrated," remus told him. it was really nothing to worry about. the boy had always been prone to getting sick. it happened all the time when he was younger. as he grew up, it subsided, only occurring after or during an ear infection or something. that was what madam pomfrey had suggested. he just had to drink water. lots and lots of water.

"if that's what you believe. say, do you think ivory is mad at me?" he asked, his voice dropping to just above a whisper. 

"i— i don't know padfoot. you haven't been treating her very well."

"remus, i think she's only been telling you part of the story."

"enlighten me, then," remus said casually, turning into the history of magic room.

"well," sirius started, taking, his seat and facing the caramel-haired boy. "you know that we got in a fight. i'm sure she told you that it was because i wasn't honest with her. true, but not entirely. you know how mcgonagall gave us detention from snogging in the hallway? ivory had to sort files. there was and advantage for her and ivory doesn't just let things like that blow past her without snooping. she looked though my file, remus. i had every bloody right not to tell her about things that were none of her concern. i should be the one at her."

"but..." remus offered.

"but i'm not. because she always has every right because she's ivory. it's not fair."

"blimey, padfoot, i don't know. you should have told her that you almost killed yourself."

"but that's not her bloody business! i didn't know it concerned her."

"i think you need to talk to her about it. i think you're both ready. if you use the fact that you don't know when you're supposed to be ready as an excuse, you'll never be ready.

"i'll have to think about it. it's a lot to take in on both ends."

"i know. you'll do swell, though."

"thanks, mate. are you coming party tonight ?"

"isn't there a game tomorrow?" 

"yeah, so what? i mean you said you'd go to hunter haye's party, and you never did."

"i never actually agreed to that, you know. you signed me up."

"so will you go?"

"w- uhh sure why not." 

"great. and come to the game too."


"i think lily evans might finally say yes to james bloody patter. took her six years."

"so is james pulling some grand gesture?"

"guess we'll have to see."

"i'm perfectly content with that," remus smiled. maybe stuff was starting to go right. finally.

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