Chapter Twenty Four

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I dragged my boots along the dark oak floor. The gun was cold in my hand, I opened the bathroom door taking one last look in the mirror, if I couldn't live with my family then I couldn't live at all. I raised it to my temple and drew in a sharp breath, one... two, I looked at my reflection. My trembling chin, my teary eyes. She wouldn't have wanted this. I yelled and threw the cold metal at the mirror as I watched it shatter into a million pieces.


Two months without them today, two months of tracking down the son of a bitch who killed them with no luck. Two months of torture and pain. Two months of- "Mr Krogh?" My assistant came in, wearing that rolled up pencil skirt, which was practically a belt at its length "What?" I snapped, leaning back into my leather chair. She stood in front of my desk, I could see the way the looked at me. The shade of red lipstick she chose to wear before coming in
"I just wanted to know if you were" She perched herself atop my desk "hungry?" Her manicured hands traced my collar, loosening each button "Maybe I could get you something to eat?" I needed to feel something again, anything, but not with this whore. I rolled my eyes and stood up, she cowered away looking up at me "Get out of my fucking building" She scrambled out quickly. Everyone had been walking on eggshells lately, since they knew I was on edge. Then again it wasnt a bad idea, something to take my mind off it.. or someone atleast.

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