Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: sorry both of my stories are sort of starting to line up, it's hard writing two at the same time and not making them kind of identical! Anyway, I just decided to skip a month or two because nobody really cares about cute little house days at this point lol.

"Are you all packed?" Damiar asked looking over to me. I looked at all ten of my large suitcases
"Very well prepared" I laughed and he smiled at me
"I can't believe we'll be in Italy tommorow and then what is it three days?" He said
"It's going to be weird seeing mom for the first time in nearly a year" I said glancing off to the side
"You'll be fine" He reassured, "Come on the planes landed outside"
"Of course you have a private jet runway on your private island, who doesn't?" I said sarcastically.

 I looked at all ten of my large suitcases"Very well prepared" I laughed and he smiled at me"I can't believe we'll be in Italy tommorow and then what is it three days?" He said"It's going to be weird seeing mom for the first time in nearly a year"...

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"There's only an hour left until we arrive at the villa" Damiar said glancing down at his watch. I squealed in excitement and kissed him on the cheek "We are going to have so much fun!" Damiar smiled back at me
"Want to watch a quick movie?" He asked and I nodded, he flicked on Titanic.

We were only half way through when the plane landed in the lush Italian landscape. I peered through the windows and looked out at the view "Wow" I said absolutely breathtaken. Damiar looked over to me and smiled "What?" I asked turning back around to him, he shook his head "Nothing" he mumbled. We both sat up and walked down to the exit. The planes jet's were loud and windy whipping my face around as I walked down the small steps. There were men already moving our suitcases inside and there was a white golf cart situated at the bottom of the stairs with a driver already inside. I waited for Damiar to come down before sitting in the back with Damiar. The driver didn't say a word but started driving up the pebbled path into the beautiful villa.

He stopped outside still not saying anything and me and Damiar hopped out quickly as the driver began his journey back down

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He stopped outside still not saying anything and me and Damiar hopped out quickly as the driver began his journey back down.

He stopped outside still not saying anything and me and Damiar hopped out quickly as the driver began his journey back down

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