Homecoming pt.2

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(Anthony's POV)

I button my dress shirt in the mirror preparing to leave. Despite urges not to, I've been completely single for the past month. Aurora sat me down in that same cafe and gave me some lame excuse about how we don't work together. That week was hard to get over but I did. 

This month I've had a lot of time to think. What do I want? Why do I want it? Why did I choose the girls I did? All questions that were tough to face, but I realized the ugly truth. I was an ass. A major ass. And the worst part is that I acted like that with the one person I've ever actually loved. 

Yes, you read right. I love Jordan Woods. It took me a while to figure it out, but the reason it was hard to get over the week wasn't because of Aurora. The first day, sure. But every day since, seeing Jordan with Cole has made me feel many things. First anger and jealousy, then sadness, and now, I'm content... because I've got a plan. 

I love Jordan, and love makes you do crazy things. My plan is simple... Chelsea lures Cole away from the dance area and I talk to Jordan alone. I tell her how I feel and she blows me off because she's loyal. But then I ask her if we can go somewhere private to talk and she follows me. When we leaves the dance area she sees Chelsea and Cole talking and assumes that he is cheating. So then I swoop in and convince her that I'm the one she always wanted and we leave the dance happily ever after. 

I know there are some holes, you probably don't understand why Chelsea would be so willing to help me. Well we devised this plan together last week. She's been Team Anthony since a month ago.

4 weeks ago...

When I go to hit the punching bag again Chelsea steps in front again but this time I can't pull back fast enough. I accidentally punch her in the face and she starts bleeding. "I'll take her to the nurse... again" I say and grab our passes. 

As we walk back to the weight room Chelsea pulls me aside into that same closet. "Chelsea, stop, I'm with Aurora" I tell her and she covers my mouth with her hand. "I know, I just have a question." I raise my eyebrow and she moves her hand from my mouth. "Who do you think I was making you promise not to hurt?" she questions. "Aurora..." I say obviously. Who else? 

"No idiot... Jordan," she says and exits the closet.


We've talked a couple more times after that day and last week we planned today's attack. 

I put on my jacket and take in a deep breath. This is extremely nerve-racking. After tonight, Jordan will either love me or hate me. I'm putting a lot at stake. 

When I arrive at the dance I search and search for Chelsea, Jordan, or Cole... no sign of either. Finally I see Chelsea and Aurora arrive together.  When Chelsea spots me we both wink at each other and then move out of eyesight. 



Anthony is fucking psycho.. what is this plan somebody explain!

Ya'll think it'll work?

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