be alright

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quick question do any of you watch spongebob and if you do do you remember that one episode where they opened a baby sitting service and end up baby sitting an old person but they didn't know that until spongebob went into the bathroom and came running downstairs just to find out that patrick let her out thinking she was a dog so they went out outside and started running in circles and spongebob asked "if i were an old lady where would i go" to which patrick responds with "I DONT KNOW TO THE PAST" sorry just thought that was a nice burn anway onto the story

---------------------------------------------------------deku p.o.v

i had woken up to my alarm clock i quickly turned it off i got up and went to the restroom and looked in the mirror my eyes bags were more noticeable i grabbed some make up from my moms room and covered them up i went back to my room and changed into the school uniform i went to the kitchen seeing the usual sight of beer bottles every where but no mom 'she must be at work than' i started walking out the door after i ate one slice of bread i wasn't really hungry

i walked towards the school i stopped a few steps away and breathed in and out 'it'll all be alright just a little bullying i have to remember other people are suffering through worse a little teasing shouldn't be bad just deal with it besides it might help them relieve stress' after i gave myself a pep talk i went inside a lot of guys looked at me with some look in there eye but that happens everyday i still don't know what it is but i just let it go the girls on the other hand looked at me with full hatred as i walked by one of them they pulled my bunny ear which made fall on my butt they left laughing and saying things like



waste of space

ect. i never knew what the first one meant i just knew the last 2 i ignored it 'its gonna be alright they probably have a low self esteem and need help bringing it up yeah that's it i'm helping yey!' i got up and dusted the dirt of me and walked inside the hallway i got pushed into lockers and sometimes to the ground sometimes getting stepped on when i'm on the ground but its alright 'they probably just pushed me on accident and they didn't see once i fell yeah that's right' i put things in my locker and went to class i saw things written on my desk like


do die

nobody loves you

no ones care about you

go jump off a roof

'its alright it'll stop soon besides they also probably need to boost there self esteem or they have a bad home life yeah that's it' i thought as cleaned my desk once i was done the bell rang i quickly sat down students came rushing in sometimes bumping into my desk or pulling my ear 'its alright it was just an accident' a few minutes later the teacher came in and started teaching as i was taking notes kacchan kept kicking the back of the chair would sometimes hit my back i would sometimes flinch since mom kept kicking me really hard on the back since she was extra frustrated yesterday sometimes slashing me with a knife but its alright something just happened and she just got stressed and i was her only relief i'm happy even if i got hurt she felt better so i'm happy anyway i tried not to flinch and beside he probably didn't notice what he was doing so its alright

once they were packing kacchan told me to meet him behind the school i agreed

i saw kacchan and his friends i smiled at them but all i got was a punch to the face they all started using there quirks so it hurt a lot more 'but its alright they are just stressed and need to find a way to cope besides i'm glad they came to me i'm so happy to help even if it means getting hurt they feel better like mom' so i just stayed still both kacchans friends left kacchan just looked down on me i looked up at him while and smiled the best i could "are you okay now kacchan" he looked shocked "are you alright" i asked again he recovered from his shock and punched me as hard as he could and left 'i helped him i'm so happy there okay' i got up weakly and went home

i got home at the right time i got inside to see my mom at the entrance as soon as i closed the door she smashed the bottle on my head she used what was left of the bottle and started slashing my back with the remains once that was over she started kicking and punching 'it alright its going to be okay besides i'm moms hero and i should be thankful for the life i have not everyone get a chance to live a full life sure there may be a flaws in my life but other people have it worse this is nothing compared to what other people have been through' as soon as i finished thinking my mom left me on the ground as she was walking away she yelled "GET UP AND CLEAN THE HOUSE AND MAKE ME FOOD USELESS BRAT" 'yeah things will get better i just have to make sure mom has an easy life' i got up and started cleaning ignoring the pain i felt gotta make sure mom gets what she needs before myself

i finished cleaning and i started making food for mom

(yes i got a picture from food wars because that food looks soooo delicious)

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(yes i got a picture from food wars because that food looks soooo delicious)

i washed the pots and pans and went to my moms room i quietly knocked on the door mom opened the door "u-um y-y-your f-foods r-ready" "okay move out of my way brat she said looking down on me considering she was 3 inches taller than me i quickly bowed and moved out of the way

i went to my room and took off my uniform and started cleaning my wounds after i finished i went and did my homework i went to bed laying on my stomach i smiled thinking about how many people i helped today i'm so happy. it'll be alright

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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