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a 4 year old izuku had woken with a headache and  lower back pain he didn't think much of it since he was so exited to get his quirk he his went to wake his parents up he had some trouble opening the door considering he was short even for his age as soon as he opened the door he ran to there bed and jumped as high as he could and latched onto the edge and managed to pull himself  up 'I DID IT'  he thought as he smiled after his little victory parade  he started shaking his mama and papa up ''mama papa wake WAKIE WAKIE'' he yelled the last part thinking that might wake up seeing as that didn't work he jumped on top of them and at they they woke up still a little but as soon as they saw there son the smiled warmly little did the 3 of them know that would be the last time they would have moments like those.

once they all finished there breakfast and changed they went into the car  "so you ready to get your quirk kiddo" his dad said while looking at the little window thingy (i don't know what its called -3-) "i can't wait i hope its just as cool as kacchans" 

~3 minutes later~ 

they had arrived to there destination early so it didn't take much time to see the doctor 

"i looked at your results and found his its bunny hes going to develop bunny ears and a tail sooner or later and he has enhanced speed and hearing his smelling is also better than that of a human" izuku was smiling he couldn't wait to tell his best friend about his quirk his mother was happy about his quirk but his dad on the hand not so much inko saw the anger in his eyes so she quickly thanked the doctor and walked out with her family the car ride home was silent 

~ANOTHER TIME SKIP i need to stop doing this anyway it night time~

inko had already put izuku to sleep she had started walking to her and her husbands shared room but as she got closer she heard shuffling as she got at her doorway she saw her soon to be ex husband packing his belongings she quickly knew he was going to leave her she started running towards him .

"honey please what are doing" "WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM LEAVING I DONT WANT A USELESS BRAT AS MY SON" 'no honey please we can fix we can sell him and we'll have another child we can start over!" "IM NOT TAKING MY CHANCES OF MAKING ANOTHER USELESS BRAT GOODBYE!!" and with that  the short argument ended with hisashi walking out the door and inko heartbroken in her mind there was only one person to blame and that was her own child he made her life a living hell it was because of him her parents disowned her it was because of him that hisashi left her HE was the one to blame for this whole mess "mama why was papa screaming is he okay" 

inko turned her teared eyed face to izuku hatred in them izuku saw that hatred but he also saw the sadness in them once izuku saw the sadness in them he quickly went to hug her and comfort her but before he could rap his tiny arms around her she had slapped him as hard as she could "ITS YOUR FAULT ALL OF IT"  she got up and started kicking him over and over again was izuku screaming out of pain yes was he protesting no why because his mom was frustrated he knew that so he let her take it out on him 'im helping mama yeah i'll make mama feel better and if this is the only way than im happy' more kicks more punches 'im finally her hero' 

after a few more kicks and punches inko went to bed more calm than earlier izuku still on the floor he thought about how he was his moms hero he smiled at the thought he may be in pain but hes happy that he helped his mother 


hi there welcome to the starting of the book i hope you enjoy reading it and i hope as im writing this i can get better at it anyway



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