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The damage was done! In the days that followed, Bradley tried to contact Gaga in all possible ways, calls, messages and even went once to the house they shared, but Gaga ignored all his advances.

He wasn't trying to go back on his decision, because in his mind all he was doing was to protect her, in fact his only intention was to know how she was doing.

The breakup process between Gaga and Bradley impacted her in countless ways, the traumas and fears that their relationship was helping to overcome have surfaced again. Stefani went into a very severe depression.


— Sister, please, talk to me! - Since Bradley left home, Natali has moved to be close to Stefani. And she was increasingly concerned about her older sister's mental and physical health.

— Natali, please... Leave me alone, I'm not going to work today.

— Baby, BloodPop must be coming. You have an appointment today. - She sat next to her sister, stroking her disheveled hair. Gaga was a messy. — I know you loved him very much, Stefani, but you can't do this to yourself because of him.

— What are you talking about? Do you think I feel that way for Bradley? I feel that way because I can't make anything work, I always fail. I always lose people, when I am successful in my career I always lose someone, don't you realize that this is how things happen for me? I tried to heal my father, I thought that doing an era dedicated to his sister could heal this wound in his chest. And guess what? I failed! I'm just tired of it all. I don't want to write music anymore, I'm tired. What if my fans just don't like what I have to tell?

Gaga sat on the bed trying to breathe while crying copiously. At that time, Natali also could not contain her tears and wrapped her sister in her arms.

— Stefani, you are the pride of our family. God! Look where you got! Our parents love you too much, you didn't welcome them, Stefani. You've heard so many testimonies from your fans saying that you and your art practically saved their lives. Your album Joanne was the greatest gift you could have given us, especially to our father and grandmother. And if your relationships failed in any way, it was because it didn't work for both of you, don't blame yourself for it.

— I've really heard so many beautiful stories from my fans. - She let out a small smile through her tears.

— Yes, you have! Now, take a shower and I will make you a delicious breakfast and we will spend time together in the garden while the BloodPop doesn't arrive. It's ok?

— All right, bossy little sister!

While Gaga went to shower, Natali tried to make some scrambled eggs for breakfast. Suddenly, he felt his cell phone vibrating, it was another message from Bradley. Ever since Stefani started ignoring him, he turned to Natali to hear from her. Natali felt a conflict within herself, because as much as she loved Bradley and tried to understand her reasons for doing what she did, she felt she was cheating Gaga somehow, since the sister didn't want Bradley to know anything about her.

Good morning, Nat!
How's Stef? I dreamed about her all night. I felt like I should protect her. I'm so sorry for this shit situation. Thanks again for letting me know. I will always appreciate that.

Good morning, Bradley. The situation only gets worse, I'm afraid I won't be able to help her deal with everything. I feel more and more powerless. Today Joanne's story came up again in her mind.

God! Recently she was managing to handle it so well. If only she would let me talk to her. Nat, you are the best sister, I can imagine how you feel seeing Stefani suffer, this pain that is not physical and has no medicine, but I'm sure that your sisterly love makes you feel better in some way. Thank you for taking care of her when I failed myself.

I hope so. Anyway, she is going to write music today, I think it will help her a little.

The two sisters shared breakfast and each other's company until Stefani went to work in his private studio.


The next two months weren't easy. The process of creating her album was being very painful, but with the great persistence of BloodPop and a lot of love from her family and friends, Gaga was managing to deal with everything, although the album was not yet finished.

— WOW! Look who's already standing at this hour in full Sunday !? - Natali approached and put her palm on Gaga's forehead to feel her temperature. — Are you okay, sister? Have a fever?

Stefani couldn't help laughing. - I'm fine, Nat. I'm going to lunch out today.

— I'm glad you're going to have a little fun. Can I know with whom?

— Will you never stop being a snooper? -Gaga hugged her sister giving kisses on her cheek. Before Natali managed to get any information out, they heard a soft horn, indicating that Gaga's ride had arrived.

Gaga took her bag and said goodbye. After she closed the door, Natali ran to the window to see who had managed to get her sister out of the house. As far as she remembered, Gaga had never met anyone new, she was always with her co-workers.

— Oh my God! As well? Dan Horton? When did this happen. Stef is going to have to tell me everything.

Suddenly, Bradley came to her mind and she imagined that he would probably hear about Lady Gaga's new affair.


— Gaga, you look beautiful! I was very happy that you spent time with me today. - The man was dazzled by the woman in front of him. It was a hot day and Gaga opted for a look that left her body very exposed, which made her excited.

— Thank you, Dan! You look great too. - She kissed him on the cheek. Dan opened the car door and they headed for Los Angeles.

— Have you already chosen the restaurant? - Dan asked stroking Gaga's knee.

— Yes, we're going to Studio City's Granville. I love that place!

The journey of about an hour was smooth. Some moments of silence that weren't embarrassing, just both enjoying the beautiful day that faxed that Sunday.

Dan Horton had been working with Gaga for about 7 months. After she broke up with Carino and apparently became single, although she maintained a secret relationship with Bradley, he tried to approach her.

All attempts were in vain, precisely because of his relationship with Bradley. Now that she was single again, she decided to give her sound engineer a chance. This was what she was trying to convince herself of.

— "We're here!"- He said with a slight smile for her who seemed distracted by something.

— Oh, the trip was so relaxing that I just got lost in my thoughts.

Both headed for the restaurant entrance. It was their first official meeting and Dan was a reserved and shy man. Both kept a considerable distance from each other as they walked. She realized and remembered that even when they're just friends it never happened between her and Bradley. The connection and closeness that they had from the beginning was a kind of magnet that prevented them from maintaining distance between them when they're in the same environment.

She tried to wipe those thoughts off her head and took a good look at the man walking beside her. Dan was handsome, attractive, intelligent and was free and willing to be with her. That should be enough.

— Do you mind if we stop here a little before we enter the restaurant?

— No way. You need anything? Do you want me to provide something? - Dan asked trying to understand what she was needing.

— Ah, don't worry. I'm just going to smoke a little before I get in. - Smoking has become an addiction in recent months. His outlet when things were out of his control. Although she had smoked before, the situation was now almost out of control.

Dan waited for her to finish and then they entered the restaurant.
During the brunch, Gaga realized that Dan was quieter than usual.

— Dan, is everything okay? I'm finding you a little uncomfortable.

— Hm ... I don't want to be boring or ungrateful. Understand that for me it is a privilege to be here with you, but tell me what your intentions are? - He spoke with a half smile on his face, friendly, but showing that he was asking seriously.

Gaga couldn't help but laugh. — What do you mean my intentions?

— You know ... I've been trying to date you for a long time and this week you just called me. What was the greatest joy I have felt in months, that is recorded. Only you wanted to not only meet me, but to go in a public place, and I know how reserved you are. And above all we are here at the restaurant window being photographed every minute. Then I...

Gaga interrupted him. — I'm a free woman, Dan. And you're a free man, right?

— Right.

— So I see no reason to hide. It's a beautiful day, I wouldn't waste it locked up at home. As for my intentions, you will find out, but I can assure you that they are the worst possible. - Gaga got up and gave him a little kiss on his mouth , catching him off guard, and headed towards the bathroom.

Dan didn't know if he really believed 100% in what she said, but he certainly had nothing to lose.

Obviously the couple's kiss had been registered by the paparazzi.

The return trip was smooth and Dan, less shy, took turns between caressing Gaga's exposed thighs and clasping her hand in his.

— Dan, thanks for today. It had been a while since I felt so good and ... - Gaga was interrupted by a fiery and exploratory kiss from Dan. Both were in front of her house's gate, leaning against the car.

— This is my thanks and if you want I can show you even more how grateful I am.

Gaga felt Dan's excitement against her body and, although she liked to know that she had caused it in him, she didn't know if she was ready to give herself to another man.

— I would love for you to show me how grateful you are, but Natali is there waiting for me and Bobby will arrive later to fix some things in the makeup line. Do you forgive me for that? I promise to reward you soon.

— Whenever you want. - Dan gave Gaga another kiss and started off towards his house.

— WHAT THE HELL? - Gaga had barely set foot in the house and almost infarcted with Natali's shout.

— Jesus, Natali! What the hell happened? - She spoke with her hand on her chest, feeling her heart almost come out of her mouth.

— WHAT THE HELL, DAN HORTON? Why didn't you tell me anything? How long have you been together? Did you forget Bradley?

— Breathe, girl! You are definitely not well. - Gaga saw Bobby entering the living room where the two women were.

— Hi, LG! Everything worked? - He greeted her kissing her cheek.

— Yes, it did, Bob. The photos were taken by the Peopple paparazzi who were there. Now I just need you to contact them to select photos and give the information that we want to be in the report.

— No, wait! What are you talking about? What paparazzi? What story? Bobby, did you know everything? Is that why you're here on a Sunday? Are you going to tell me what's going on?

Gaga and Bobby laughed and agreed to tell Natali.

— So you're going to use it as PR, Stefani?

— No! - Stefani exclaimed.

— Yes! - Bobby spoke in unison with Stefani's "no".

— Well, actually Dan had already asked me out many times. And I need to have fun, I need to feel alive again, wanted. I told Bobby that I would ask Dan to come over here, he is a handsome, attractive man. You can certainly help me with what I need. - Stefani gave a mean laugh.

— Aaaah, spare me the details, but go ahead. - Natali swore.

— So Bobby told me that it might be interesting to make this relationship public. Even though my relationship with ... you know who, it never happened publicly, the media insists that we are together and the attacks on my social networks continue. What a big crap. So we decided that, unlike all my other relationships, this will be a free show.

— So it will be fake? - Natali tried to understand.

— No, Natali! I am interested in trying something with Dan. We will be a normal couple, we will go around without fear of being caught. That will be the only difference. Get it now?

— Got it. Whatever is best for you, sister. - Natali looked disappointed, she still had hopes that her sister and Bradley could fix their relationship, but at the same time she was happy because in a way the sister was moving on.

— I'd just like to ask you two things. I am fully convinced that I am doing this because I think I deserve to move on and because I want to have fun. Damn, I'm a free woman, with dreams, desires, needs. However, I fear that if Dan knew about the paparazzi today he would feel used and I would not be able to convince him that, regardless of having made this "plan" I would have gone out with him. So, I would like this to stay between us.

— You have my word, LG!

— Mine too, sister! I just want your happiness. - Natali hugged her sister.

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