Chapter 08

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I am so so sooo sorry this is a few days late - I've had a really stressful time and it's been hard to focus on writing, but I promise to get better. I even planned out the last chapters now so I know where this is going <3 anyway this is all setting up for the end so I hope you enjoy the buildup <3

p.s TWO WEEKS UNTIL SEASON FOUR!! Can't waittttt


in this chapter...

Wynonna and Nicole have an important conversation...
Something terrifying is revealed about Robin's past...
Waverly and Nicole struggle with illusion and reality...


The next day...

An evening glow settled on the homestead, the warm amber light flickering against the antiquated chandelier and empty whiskey bottles on the bedside table. Everything was still in the late evening at the homestead, except for the gentle breeze toying with the feather's of Wynonna's old dream catcher above her head.

"Wynonna." A deep voice broke the tranquility and Wynonna bolted upright, her fist tightening around the bottle in her hand. Her shoulders dropped and she slumped back against the head of the bed when she saw who it was.

"Haught." She mumbled, tipping the bottle back and downing a few swigs.

Nicole took a deep breath and crossed the boundary into the room, not bothering to shut the door since Waverly was asleep upstairs.

She stopped at the foot of the bed, looking down at the mess of a girl pressed against the headboard wearing an oversized t-shirt, sweatpants and socks with holes in them. There had only been a few occasions where Nicole had seen Wynonna like this, wearing these kinds of outfits, drinking alone in the house instead of at a bar. The protective, sexy persona was gone, she was broken and she barely looked like Wynonna Earp right now.

"I need to talk to you." Nicole rested her hand on the brass metal rail at the end of the bed, but didn't move forward.

Wynonna sat forward quickly, dropping the bottle to her side with wide eyes. "Is she okay? Did something happen? Where is she?" She burst out and a look of horror passed over her face. Nicole squeezed the brass bar, the cold metal grounding her.

"No. She's fine, she's upstairs asleep." She replied without betraying any emotion, the coldness almost burning her hand now.

Wynonna sank back into the bed again, taking another chug of the whiskey and frowning at the redhead in her pyjamas.

"Oh. What then?" She replied, her eyes locked on Nicole's and squinted slightly into crescent moons that looked so like Waverly's when she was angry.

"I -" Nicole swallowed, straightening up. She looked over her shoulder and changed her mind about the door, moving back to close it and leaning against it.

"What are you doing?" Wynonna shifted so she wasn't slumped in the bed anymore, but sitting upright, pressed against the headboard. She folded her legs up underneath her and watched Nicole like a predator does its pray as the redhead padded back towards the bed.

Nicole paused just to the right of the frame, her hand instinctively on the brass again.

"I want to marry Waverly." The words left without hesitation, without the shake she was expecting. They made her feel strong and proud and confident; it was the only certainty she had in her life anymore and it was all that mattered to her.

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