✿ [no. 1] ✿

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[lowercase intended.]

"—i just wish he would understand, i really just want to be spoiled instead of sharing french fries that he got from wendy's or some shit." the girl ranted, dramatically moving her hands for emphasis. ojiro nodded, and scratched his nose. "w–well, i think you should be appreciative of what you have, he might not have enough money to spoil you." the girl nodded slowly, and crossed her arms. "i think i understand, thanks ojiro!" she smiled, and walked out of the classroom.

   as the girl left the room, ojiro let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. ojiro gathered the things on his desk, as quiet footsteps could barely be heard behind him. ojiro shoved his binder into his backpack, and turned towards the quiet shuffling by the doorway. "uh... hi. d'you need something?" ojiro asked, moving his body in the direction where the noises were coming from. the shuffling came closer, and ojiro focused his eyes on the person coming closer, and took in his looks.

the boy looked about 5'5, with curly green hair. there were freckles sprinkled all across his face, and he could see a couple on his arms. the boy was slightly sweating, his hands clasped together. ojiro could see his arms and legs were pretty muscular, as was his torso, the shirt he was wearing hugged his figure gently, and you could make out a six pack through the shirt.
   the boy rubbed his palms together, and took a sharp breath. "um, i was wondering if you would maybe like to walk home with me? i've seen you around, and i've also noticed that we have the same route home and stuff. and you also seem pretty cool so, yeah."


ojiro was stunned. "uh— you–you don't have to if you don't want to—" the boy stuttered out. ojiro snapped out of his trance, and waved his hands around nervously. "ah! sorry, sorry, i was just surprised! no one really asks me stuff like that... eheh." the boy tilted his head, like a dog. "oh... why not?"
   ojiro shrugged, and slung his backpack over his shoulders. "shall we?" he smiled, the green haired boy's face blushed in excitement. "we–we shall." he replied.

[     ✿     ]

the green haired boy stared at ojiro, "you're very attractive." he blurted out. ojiro smiled, pleasantly surprised. the boy's eyes widened, and he froze. ojiro stopped beside him, and leaned over to look at him. "you okay?" he questioned, laughing a bit. "you look like your soul just left your body or something."

the boy covered his face with his hands, and started mumbling incoherent words. ojiro waited patiently for the mumbling to stop, and stared at the clouds for a couple seconds. he looked over at the green haired boy after a couple more seconds, and gently tapped his shoulder. the boy looked over at ojiro, his face red, and his lips pursed.
   ojiro smiled, "you okay now? i kinda need get home soon." ojiro clasped his hands together behind his back, and balanced on his heels.

the boy bowed, little sorries slipping out of his mouth. ojiro scratched his cheek, "ah, there's no need to be sorry dude. thanks for the compliment by the way." the green haired boy stopped bowing, and rubbed his neck nervously. ojiro perked up a bit, "i just remembered, i don't know your name. i'm ojiro mashirao, but you can call me oji or something. and you are?" he smiled, and held out a hand. the boy wiped his hands on his thighs, and shook ojiro's hand. "midoriya izuku, you can call me mido, it's whatever." ojiro nodded, and held out his arm, indicating for the other boy to link his own with his. "let's go?"
midoriya chuckled, and wrapped his arm around the others. "let's go."

[ ✿ ]

giggles floated around the two, as ojiro held his sides. "there's no way the bakugo katsuki listens to you! he barely even listens to his own mother." ojiro shrugged, and took a small breath. "i–i guess he respects me? he doesn't yell at me as much as he does with others, and sometimes he comes to the dojo to spar with me." he said, and hooked his thumbs into his pockets. midoriya looked over at him, and quirked up an eyebrow.
"dojo?" he asked, his hands loosening on the straps of his backpack. ojiro nodded, "my parents own a martial arts dojo, so i pretty much do everything there. i train with my parents, and teach a couple classes." midoriya's eyes lit up in admiration, and he ran ahead, turning towards the blonde in the process. "that's–that's so awesome!" he smiled. "do you get paid? i mean, it's kind of like a job, no?"

ojiro chuckled, "ah, i do! my parents think it's only fair if i get paid for teaching a bunch of little kids for hours on end. i for one, don't really care. but at least i can save up for stuff in the future." midoriya returned back to ojiro's side, nodding in agreement. ojiro looked up ahead, his parents' dojo more than twenty feet away. he stopped, and pointed towards the standalone building.
"it's right over there, maybe sometime you could help me teach some classes. if you want, of course." ojiro smiled, and looked over at midoriya. a small grin appeared on the other boy's face, "i'd really like that." he turned around, and pulled out his phone. "wanna exchange numbers? i really would like to talk to you more."

ojiro nodded, and pulled out his own phone. they shared phone numbers, then going their seperate ways.

midoriya blushed excitedly, jumping up and down. "i got his number!" he squealed, happily dancing around. "i got a cute guys number! a very very cute guy!"
midoriya celebrated all the way back to his home.

[ ✿ ]

ojiro threw his backpack onto a chair, and opened his phone. he stared at the contact name midoriya had put, and grinned lopsidedly. ...that's really cute. he thought, his cheeks fading into a light pink. then, his mother walked into the room ojiro was sat in, and knocked on the wall. ojiro looked up at his mother, and tilted his head. "mama? what's up?" he asked. his mother sat down next to him, and smiled. "you don't have any classes today kiddo, so i'm hoping you can finish your homework before dinner tonight?" she said, her hands laying in her lap.

ojiro smiled, and nodded, "yeah, most likely. i don't have any math homework, it's the same for science. so i can probably do chores and stuff after dinner." his mother's smile softened, and she reached up to stroke ojiro's hair. "thank you sweetheart. if your father comes home late, please tell me. i don't want him to be in another one of his moods again." a chill runs through ojiro's body, as memories of his father in one of his "moods" disappear as quick as they came. he blinks a couple times, and nods quickly. "i'm gonna start my homework, and could you notice me if bakugo comes? he told me he would come either today or tomorrow." he rambled, as his mother stood up and walked over to the doorway. she nodded, and walked out of the room.

homework time... ew.


a/n: eek!! ojideku story!!!!!!! i hope u enjoyed the first chapter of marigolds and honey !! i put sm thought n time into this fic, but dw, i'm still continuing searching through the stars. but i will most likely be putting more time into this fic than the other one, so i'm sorry :((

anyways,, thanks for reading sweetheart! i decided to do ojideku bc i love the ship!! they're v cute. byebye!!!! have a great day love 💞💞

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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