The Rift

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**What's this? An A/N at the top of the chapter? Woah!

Also, for those of you who were wondering what Chloe looked like:

Also, for those of you who were wondering what Chloe looked like:

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Major shout-outs to my friend Starskyer for making this for me. She does amazing artwork. Go check out her story 'This Is Love: Debbigail'; it's a great story, but it's worth it for the art alone.

Anyhow, this one's a bit shorter, but plays a huge part in the story. Get ready to possibly cry; I know I did while writing this.

The adventure of a lifetime was really looking to be unforgettable... for all the wrong reasons. Scrooge, in an attempt to show Beakley that he was more than capable of keeping his family safe, got the Sunchaser stuck fifteen thousand feet in the air on an insanely small peak. To make matters worse, he was still trying to find a way out of the situation, using irrational solution after irrational solution to do so.

Chloe shifted in her seat a little. The kids weren't much better. Louie was scared out of his mind at the situation, but to be fair, it was pretty dire.

But what really bothered Chloe was that Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby were keeping some kind of secret. It bothered her to no end that her family would keep something from her. As far as she could tell, they were researching something really important that Scrooge wouldn't be happy about. She had a few theories as to what it was, but couldn't ask them. Last time she did, they shut down entirely.

Dewey stood up, and the plane jerked.

"Sit still!" Scrooge ordered. 

Instantly, Dewey sat back down and buckled up. "Told you nothing's gonna happen. We can't just sit here when it's so close."

Normally, Chloe would ask what he was talking about, but again, they shut down whenever she did. So she just leaned over and closed her eyes. 

The plane jerked again violently, forcing Chloe's eyes open. Dewey and Huey were suddenly on opposite sides of the plane, keeping it balanced.

Dewey was it the front, reaching for something while trying not to be seen. Webby was on the other side of the brig, holding a walkie talkie. "Step, step, step," she said, and Huey and Dewey moved when she did.

Chloe panicked and looked around the plane for something to stop them. Even if they did have the plane balanced, she knew it was only a matter of time until a strong gust of wind or some kind of bird knocked them off balance. With no other choice, she called out, "Dewey, get back here right now!"

Scrooge, Beakley, and Launchpad all turned around just as Dewey grabbed what he was going for. 

"I thought I told you to stay put, lad!" Scrooge exclaimed. Dewey ignored him and took a look at the piece of paper he'd picked up. Before he could tell what it was, Scrooge asked, "Dewey, what is that? Hand it over, now."

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