Sisterly Bond

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"Alright, Chloe, just focus," Chloe said quietly to herself. "I only have one more shot, and the rest of them didn't get me much, but it doesn't matter. I can still turn this around.

She wound up her arms and let her shot fly. It bounced around the target as Chloe's anticipation built. Right when she thought it was a lost cause, it finally went in.

Chloe just won a hundred tickets from the Ski Ball machine.

Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby had managed to convince her to spend her day off with them at Funzo's Funzone. She'd seen the building before, but had never gone inside. After all, it really just looked like an average child's play place on the outside. 

On the inside, however, it was much bigger. Sure, there was a jungly-gym like one would expect, but there was also a dining area, an arcade, and more. 

Besides, it's not like Chloe would want to be at the manor after this morning. The day had begun normally... until the kids got their hands on a bunch of dart guns. They were foam darts, but it was still chaos.

"When I said 'get to know your family', I did not mean to move them in!" Beakley told Scrooge.

"Relax, Beakley, they're just kids. What's the worst they could do?" Scrooge asked.

"You don't want to know," she replied.

Dewey and Huey ran past Scrooge, Dewey shouting and taking aim at Dewey.

"Dewey! You never yell before you shoot. That way, you lose the element of surprise," Scrooge advised.

"This needs to stop before it gets out of hand!" Beakley yelled.

Chloe came up to them. "Come on, Mrs. B, they're ten. Let them have their fun... And let me enjoy one of my few days off."

"Dear, when Webby gets too competitive, things can get out of hand very quickly," Beakley told her. "I don't want the boys influencing her like that."

"Oh really?" Chloe asked, crossing her arms across her chest. "So you're going to tell your granddaughter that her few friends can't stay or play with her?"

"The lass is right," Scrooge agreed. "They're family. We all have to make small sacrifices."

Then Scrooge opened the door to his bathroom, where Donald was already taking a bath. "Um... ocupado!" 

Chloe covered her eyes and looked away while Scrooge glared. "Family meeting. Now!"

And that was when Chloe and the kids left the manor. Going to Funso's was Louie's idea, but Dewey was the one to invite her and Webby.


Chloe chuckled to herself as she thought about the trip here. They'd attempted to take a bus, but Webby being Webby, she accidentally got them thrown off. Chloe didn't really mind, though, the public bus was one of her least favorite forms of transportation.

The rest of the walk there, Huey and Louie were becoming more and more skeptic about bringing Webby along, but thankfully, Dewey still didn't mind and was trying his best to make her feel welcome. The whole experience put some things into perspective for Chloe, however.

She'd been living with Webby for years, since just after she was born. Yet she never made any real attempt to get to know her. The same could be said for Beakley, but something Chloe figured she preferred it that way. Webby, as far as she could tell, was ecstatic about the boys coming. And even more so when Dewey invited her to join them; she literally scaled the manor wall like it was nothing.

The tickets stopped pouring out after Chloe threw her last ball. She had a pretty good haul for the amount of games she'd played.

"May as well cash these in and see what I can get for them," she said to herself. She folded her winnings up and carried them over to the ticket counter. Almost immediately, she saw something she liked. "How much for those sunglasses?" she asked the guy at the counter.

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