Chapter Twelve - Realisations

Start from the beginning

"This year really has been pretty awesome so far, hasn't it?" Mar says, leaning back in the armchair that she's currently sitting on. We all nod, and just sit smiling to ourselves in silence for a couple of minutes. But of course, the silence doesn't last long - it never does when Marlene McKinnon is around. "Ok girlies! I've got the goods!" she says, bringing out multiple Firewhiskeys and two bottles of wine from her bag. I summon the wine glasses from the last Girls Night, and we all have a nice little drink. "Ok, Mar! Any man in your life?" Marly asks, taking a sip of the red wine that she brought. "Nope! I'm as single as can be! And I HATE it!" Mar says, chugging a bottle of Firewhiskey. "How about....Richard Williams! You know, the guy that tried out to be Gryffindor Keeper. I know that he didn't get it, but I spoke to him after trials and he seems really nice! He's in sixth year, and he's quite cute!" Marly says, and Mar looks a bit thoughtful. "Well, he does seem really nice and he's quite cute. But....oh! I don't know! I...I think that I....ummm....I think that I.......likeRemusLupin!" Mar says, speaking really quickly at the last part, but we all heard what she was saying. "You like Remus Lupin!" I squeal, giving her a squeeze. "Yeah...I think I do! I mean....what's not to like? He's really handsome, and he's funny, and....and smart, and kind! Yeah....I like Remus Lupin!" she says, and we all give her a big bear hug. "Awwww Mar! That's great!" Marly says, and Ali jumps in, "I'm so happy for you!".

"So, are you going to ask him out?" Ali asks, as the hug breaks apart. "No, I don't think so! He doesn't like me back! I'm just going to leave it for a while, and then maybe...." Mar says. "Oh Mar! Just do what you want, but please at least flirt with him a little!" Marly says. Marly McKinnon is the Queen of flirting, and literally just loves it. "Ok!" Mar says, grinning. "Oh, this is fab!" Ali says, and I agree, "Oh Mar! This is incredible!". After I say this, they all turn to face me. "So, Lily!" Marly begins, imitating my actions from earlier by wiggling her eyebrows mischievously, "Any crushes? Any guys you fancy? Hmmmmm.....". I shake my head, laughing a bit. "Nope! Unlike you lot, I actually enjoy being single! There's no pressure, and when I meet a guy that I like, I'll go out with him But if I don't - who cares?!" I say, and the girls laugh a bit. "That is true Lils! So, are you sure that you don't like James?" Mar asks, and I made the mistake of taking a sip of Firewhiskey as she said this, and I spit it out in shock. "Positive! He's Potter, for goodness sake! He may be my friend now, but I will never go out with him!" I say, laughing and the mere thought of me ever going out with James Potter. The girls share a strange look, but let it pass.

"Ok, ok! Kiss, Kill, Marry!" Ali suggests, and we all nod excitedly in eager anticipation. Oooohhhh, I love this game! It's always so much fun! "Ok, Marly. Remus, James, Peter?" Mar asks, and Marly looks thoughtful. "Hmmmm.....Marry James, Kiss Rem, and Kill Pete. It's just because I've known James forever, Rem and I are good friends and Pete and I don't really ever talk." she says, shrugging. We all nod, and move on. "Ok, Ali - Craig Bletchley, Andrew Morris, Richard Williams?" Marlys asks, and Ali answers. Now, it's my turn. "Ok, Lily! Amos Diggory, Benjy Fenwick, James Potter?" Ali asks, and I'm shocked. Ali usually never asks the cruel ones - and this one is cruel! I mean, I've literally dated Amos Diggory and Benjy Fenwick, and James and I have a lot of history! I think for a minute or two, and then answer, "Kill Amos Diggory, Kiss Benjy Fenwick, Marry James.". fifth year self is dying at the words 'Marry James'! "I totally agree!" Marly says, and Mar and Ali nod as well. Mary takes her turn, and we keep going round and round again. This game is super fun!

At around the sixth round of Kiss, Kill, Marry (honestly - I've totally lost count!) it comes back round to me again. "Ok Lily," Marly starts, her eyes twinkling with trouble, "Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Leonardo Zabini?". "Oh, fuck you Marly!" I say, laughing a bit. I take a little think - I'm a little tipsy so I'm not really thinking that clearly. "Eugh! Marry....Leonardo Zabini, Kiss....Lucius Malfoy, (insert vomit sounds) and Kill Severus Snape!" I say, disgusted at the first two, quite liking the last one! The girls all nod in agreement and with that the game ends.

"So, how do you all feel about becoming friends with the Marauders?" Mar asks, smiling. "I like it! They're actually really great fun and we all get along fabulously!" I say, and Marly and Ali agree. "Also, they're all stupid hot!" Mar adds, and we all burst out laughing. "Oi MacDonald! Keep your paws off my boyfriend!" Marly says, which makes us all laugh harder. "Merlin, I just feel bad for Pete! All the others are like really smart, funny, and almost every bloody girl in Hogwarts fancies them, and then Pete is just....average!" Ali says, once we all stop laughing. "Awk, Pete is nice, and he can be funny, but I do get what you mean. The others are all excessively likeable - and I really don't know how I didn't see it before this year!" I say, smiling a bit at the last part. "I know! Lily, I really like that you and James have become friends, good friends, this year! Now all of us can hang out together and it's just...enjoyable!" Marly says, grinning. "We've become so close, so fast! I can really see us all becoming a family! Is that strange?" Mary says, and we all shake our heads. "Of course not! I see it too!" I say, along with Marly, while Ali nods her head. We chat all about the Marauders for a while longer, and turn on to the topic of James Potter in particular.

"I'm quite shocked at the change in him! Hell, even though he's like my brother, I used to despise him when we were in school and not on the Quidditch pitch, because he became just unbearable. But now...fuck! He's different! And he seems to be doing a great job at Head Boy, don't you agree Lily?" Marly says, looking at me. "Yep! It's quite scary, how sudden the change in him is! He's really nice, and considerate! He's polite, and has really good manners, an is always respectful of me and my space. I really don't think that I could possibly ask for a better Head Boy!" I say to the girls, voicing some of the thoughts that I've been having over the last couple of weeks. They all nod their heads, and we change subject, and laugh and giggle our way through the night. As we slowly begin to fall asleep on the various armchairs or the sofa, my mind drifts back to that conversation...

I know that I said to the girls that I would never even consider going out with James Potter, something inside me says....never say never, you know? I know that he was an asshole, especially to me, but James really has changed. And it's's really good! He's positively hilarious, and so kind, and considerate, respectful, intelligent and just overall a really great guy! Fuck, Lily! Catch a grip on yourself!

I'll have to be careful, or I might just find myself fancying James Potter! With these thoughts circulating in my mind, I fall asleep, my dreams filled with a certain raven-haired charmer. And I won't even remember these dreams when I wake up...

A/N - This is quite a short chapter, but I hope you like it! More important and exciting chapters will be coming soon!


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