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Before we kick today off, might i tell you that i gave up college to care for Gerard? I was gonna study music and try to make it big in the music world, but i decided my disabled brother needed more attention than my schooling.

Our parents refuse to take care of Gerard now, because nothing about him is normal. He can't walk, he can barely speak, the most he could utter out was a simple "Hello", but even that wasn't fully distinguishable, so we got an apartment. I take care of him all day and all night, i get paid something called DLA, disability living allowance. It basically means i get money for Gerard and his disability, and a handicap parking pass, since hes bound to a wheelchair.

But that doesn't mean i love him less. He's still my older brother. The people in our neighbourhood know Gerard, and for the most part, like him. I take him for a walk everyday, he loves when i take him out. And sure, we get the second looks from teenagers and little kids who don't understand Gerards condition, but the old people are especially nice to us. One of them even knits Gerard sweaters and gloves, which he adores.

Don't be a Carl, though. Theres a grouchy old dude who never seems to smile called Carl, and hes a real jerk to Gerard. You see, the only way for Gerard to get my attention is to shout or scream, and when i take him to the park to feed the ducks, if he needs me, he will shout, he will let the whole park know he needs my help.

Well, everytime that happens, the Mr Miserable Carl always scolds us for it, which usually ends in Gerard crying. He shouts at Gerard for not "shutting the fuck up" or he usually says "Hes a grown ass man, screaming like a baby", and then shouts at me for bringing Gerard to a park. His exact words once were "How dare you bring a mentally challenged retard to a park?" or, "Hes pretending to be disabled to cause a ruckus, and you bringing him here is teaching kids to do the same".

Sorry, i can get a doctors note on that one. I have to calmly explain that Gerard really does have cerebral palsy, and that screaming and shouting is the only way for him to communicate, and when he doesn't believe me, i have to show him our handicap pass.

So yeah, don't be a Carl. Be an Edna. She flips Carl off for us, and shes the sweet lady who makes Gerard sweaters. So be an Edna. Make Gerard some sweaters, and he'll be your best friend. She even gives him little candies that dissolve in his mouth, since he has trouble chewing his food.

All in all, Gerard is an absolute sweetheart, but he can't show it, and he can't tell you, but he has such an amazing personality.

I suppose his favourite hobbies would be watching TV and feeding the ducks in the park, and i swear, everytime we set foot in that park, the ducks just KNOW we're there. They immediately swarm around the little bridge where we feed them from. They even eat out of our hands. Of course, i would do it first, i didn't want Gerard to be bitten by a duck, but they didn't bite.

Face it, ducks love us. They never bit me or Gerard. It was sweet after feeding the ducks, because Gerard would always have a cute little smile on his face. Well, a lopsided smile, he could barely smile. It was still cute.

Oh yeah, remember Edna i was talking about, the sweet old lady? Well, i'm trying to get a part time job, perhaps somewhere where i can take Gerard with me, but when i go for interviews, she takes care of him for me.

And you may think, Well Mikey, why can't you leave Gerard at a daycare for adults with disabilities? I tried! But the last time i took him to one, he was COVERED in bruises and red marks. The staff played it off as Gerard falling out of his wheelchair (total bullshit by the way, Gerard is buckled into the chair). And on the rare nights he could mumble a few words, he said they were hurting him, because of how much of a "hindrance" he was.

Not exactly, his exact words were, ""

No joke, that was EXACTLY what he said. So i spoke to other people there and they said the same thing, the staff were mistreating the patients there. Thats okay, we all sued the company and it was shut down that week. We got thousands of dollars to compensate; for hurting Gerard, not feeding him, not giving him his vital meds and for breaking his really expensive wheelchair.

Serves them right. So now i take care of him, and im planning on starting my own daycare for mentally challenged adults, so i can take Gerard to work with me.

My brother means the absolute world to me, despite of how different he is. I wouldn't change him for anything, and anyone who finds him gross, weird, creepy, or the people who hurt him, they can all...




I think this introduction was enough to get some insight onto Gerard and myself. Now, on with the actual story.

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