Chapter 8: Avatar Roku (Winter Solstice Part 2)

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Water, Earth, Fire, Air

When I couldn't decide what to do regarding an assignment for my art club as the deadline quickly approached, I drowned into the Avatar: The Last Airbender world... literally! According to the Spirits, there is only one way for me to return to my own world: Through making A Thousand And One Drawings. Though that seems easy to do with what the Spirits have given me, there is a catch. I have to do it before the end of the storyline.

But do I even want to leave this dreamlike world?

Book 1: Water

Chapter 8: Avatar Roku (Winter Solstice Part 2)

(Because of how I ended Chapter 7, all the drama at the start is skipped.)

"Come on, boy! We've got a long way to go!" Aang told Appa. "Faster!"

Emilia looked behind them and saw Zuko's ship. She was rather happy to see she didn't alter the story much for them. But when they shot fireballs at the flying bison, she started having second thoughts.

And she panicked even more when Lily screamed about purple fire... coming from the direction the Fire Nation blockade was.

"No!" Emilia groaned.

Team Avatar later decided it would be a good idea to run the blockade, but for once Emilia had doubts... and this was because of her previous encounter with the Fire Nation General Ava... quite the formidable opponent... for someone like Emilia.

There were fireballs going in every direction. Lily even had to waterbend some water out of the clouds to extinguish one of Ava's shots.

But Emilia then told Lily to hold on to Sokka and Appa, as she knew Sokka wasn't holding on well. But in making sure the others were situated, Emilia got flipped off.

"Emilia!" Aang yelled.

She landed on the ship she wanted to be on the least... Ava's.

And she landed right behind Luke, who turned around instantly.

"You," Emilia could only think of to say.

"You... I'm not happy with your trickery... or your hit to my face," Luke remarked.

"Sorry about that... but I gotta go." Emilia then tried to run to the edge to get off the ship, but Ava blocked her.

"There's still something about you that makes me want to hold you hostage here," Ava said."I wonder what that could be."

Aang then landed on the deck and whacked Ava with an air blast with the assistance of his staff. Then he and Emilia escaped and returned to their positions on Appa.

When Aang destroyed a fireball that almost obliterated them all, Emilia hopped down to pilot Appa, something she had never done before. And she flew a bit lower so that the others could catch Aang.

"There it is!" Aang exclaimed when the crescent-shaped island came in sight. "The island where Roku's dragon took me!" They dismounted on the island and gave Appa a rest. "You did it, buddy. Nice flying."

Emilia quickly landscaped the scene, mainly for a map of the uncharted location.

They approached the temple around sunset hurried inside. The group soon encountered the Fire Sages, and Aang spoiler he was the Avatar.

"I'll hold them off! You run!" Aang yelled to the others. Katara and Sokka ran instantly, Emilia ran to the nearest secret passage so that she can delay the other firebenders' arrivals, and Lily stayed to fight alongside Aang and get some bending experience.

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