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This is the end my friends ❤️💔❤️

Some might say time flew to fast, June turned into the September and Katie C and Manu's wedding came and went. It was small compared to Caity and Grants but they were happy nonetheless.

Caity found out a weeek following she was 3 months pregnant again, once again being pregnant alongside Melissa.

2020 came faster than most liked and sadly Arrowverse had to cut filming early due to the global pandemic and allowed the pregnant ladies to give birth without worrying about going right back into filming.

The Arrowverse was briefly separated but once the pandemic ended and life started going back to normal they gladly got back together for barbecues and to show off Bennett Amell and Clark Gustin.

By the end of 2020, Emily had begun her time as Katie and Manu's surrogate, giving birth to Laurel Bennett-Cassidy in 2021. That same time John and Scott had gotten their own surrogate and had their daughter Cassidy Barrowman.

2022 came with Thomas Gustin Jr, Grant Bennett-Cassidy, and Katherine Amell. As well as Caity's departure from legends of tomorrow.

2023 came with Caitlin Barrowman and Aivry Bennett-Cassidy as well as Manu and John's departures from Emerald Steel.

And finally in 2024, Lian-Rose Amell was born and the finales of all Arrowverse shows premiered, allowing the actors to finally depart from their times as superheroes.

Most of the actors had moved onto new jobs, Melissa starring on Broadway for a year, Caity taking a job at a Virginia arts school, Manu and Katie moving to Hawaii to teach acting at a school there, John and Scott moving to Los Angeles and Grant and Stephen working on a few movies.

They stayed close, even near one another when it was time to truly say Good-bye.

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