Plan for Revenge

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Fred's POV

We could see Harry was deep in thought, George and I. And for some reason, we don't have good feeling about it, at all.

"They call me insane? Very well...... I'll show them insane....." I heard Harry mutter, I glanced worriedly at George. Was this a good thing? At least, Harry could see Dumbledore in his true colours now.......

A manic grin was creeping up Harry's face, a impish spark lit up in his revenge-filled eyes. Uh-oh, I looked at George and shared a 'Let's hope we didn't make another Voldemort!' look.

"Hey...... Freddie, dear?......" Harry asked, turning to look at me, his entire posture shouted, 'INSANE! BEWARE!'.

We gulped nervously and tried to answer with our normal cheeriness. No one really called me or George that, except us........

"Yes, oh dear brother?-"

"-What mischief have you thought of now?"

Harry's manic smile turned into a full-blown insane grin, like Peeves' up-to-no-good grin, except wider and wayyyyy more madder. Like way, way, way more madder.

"Oh, eager now, are we?" Harry practically purred, we're seriously wondering if his animagus form might be a cat now, " Very well, let me tell you, all the mischief I have planned......."

Despite our growing fear of Harry's growing madness, we grinned mischeviously and inquired.


"-What are you waiting for?"

Peeves the Poltergeist's POV


What was that? Sounds like one of those gingery twins! Are they playing a prank? Hmmm, to go or not to go? Sounds big, more mayhem, hmmmm, time to cause chaos then!

'Oh no! Definitely not the Weasley twins, disruptive as they are. Nope, you'll be shocked!'

'Lady Hoggywarts!'(I know,pretty ironic, eh?)

Chuckles. 'Yep, it's me, the one and only!'

'But-but, long-bearded old goat said you were sleepin'? What made you go wakey-wakey?'

Silence. 'Hmmm, I don't know, either, Peeves. Nevermind that, don't you have mayhem to cause?'

Mental salute. 'Yes, ma'am, Lady Hogwarts!'

'Hilarious as always, Peeves. Goodbye and good luck!'

Aaaand she left. Okay, let's go, chaos!

I went speed-floating to the direction of the sound.

I went through the last wall and bam, straight in the action.

Wait- where's the action?

"Peevsy heard a little scream from down the corridor, what is it that little ginger pranksters do now?"


What is it that one of the identical gingery pranksters want?

"Yeppity do, Peeves at your service! Where's the mayhem at?"

"Oh erm, there isn't any mayhem, Fred here just-"

"Over-reacted? Drama king? All I did was tell him that-"

"Ehehehe, nothing Peeves,you can go now,nothing is happening." One of the red-headed twin that I vaguely recognize as Forge, he said?

"No, actually. I needed you to call him here, and it worked! Thank you!" Some teensy little student that I recognize at some point, but I just can't seem to put my incorporeal finger on........

I'm not exactly sane, y'know?Where stories live. Discover now