"Taehyung?" Jimin replies after a few seconds, a hopeful undertone to his voice, "Did you find him?"

"I think I know where he might be," Taehyung blurts out, "Quick, do you still know where the accident happened?" And when Jimin doesn't immediately reply, he adds, "The crash site, where was it?"

"The crash site? Yes, yes — of course I remember. Do you think he might be there?"

"Perhaps," Taehyung says, "It's the only thing that makes sense. We have to try, it's our only chance."

Jimin thinks for a few moments.
"It kind of makes sense," he then quietly says, "It could work."

"Text me the directions," Taehyung says and hangs up.

Jeongguk's confused gaze rest on him.

"What the fuck?" he asks, "Really? The crash site?"

"It's in a little forest area out of town," Taehyung tells him, "If there is a place that holds memories — here, we have to get on the 100 and then leave before Uijeongbu."

Jeongguk starts the car again and drives down the street.

"If there is a place that holds memories," Taehyung starts over again, "Then it must be the crash site. It's where everything started. The cause for all of this. The reason why Yoongi feels like he has to do this."

"It all comes full circle," Jeongguk concludes.

"It makes sense," Taehyung agrees, "It's the place that's furthest away from the city that still holds a memory."

"So, you think he went there?" Jeongguk slowly asks. Taehyung stares at the road for a while.

"He feels guilty because of Seokjin's death. He thinks it's his fault and that he should have been the one to die instead," he says instead on replying right away, "The crash site is the last place he saw Seokjin. Plus, it's hidden in the forest. No one would find him there unless they were looking for him. I think if he went anywhere, it would be that spot."

The more he thinks about it, the more sense it makes. Even Jeongguk looks convinced. He takes a turn, then drives onto the ring expressway.
"Okay," he says, "Then let's check, shall we?"

Jimin is already waiting for them once they arrive. He is walking back and forth in front of his car and immediately approaches them when they come to a halt. There is a cross right at the edge of the forest, a reminder of what happened here all these months ago; a lonely, red candle flickers in the wind. Taehyung leaves the car and pulls Jimin into a tight hug.

"It's going to be okay, we're going to find him," he says when Jimin trembles in his arms. Jeongguk hands him one of the flashlights they brought with them.

"What if — what if it's too late? Taehyung, he's been gone for hours!" Jimin cries, looking up at Taehyung with his tearstained face. "I just want him in my arms again, I just want him to be safe — God, this can't be happening..." Jimin takes a step back and squats down, hiding his face behind his hands. Taehyung throws Jeongguk a conflicted glance. They can't lose any more time.

"Jimin, look at me," he whispers and lowers himself to the ground next to him, "Hey, I promise you, we're going to find him, okay? But we have to start looking now. Hey, calm down, please..."

Jimin hiccups and raises his head.
"Why do I always have to be scared of losing him?" he whispers. Taehyung's heart shatters in his chest. He stares at Jimin as a dull ache rises in his throat.

"I don't know," he says equally as quiet, "But we're going to find him and we're going to help him, okay?"

Jimin holds his gaze for a few beats, then he nods and finally gets up again. Taehyung forces himself to breathe through deeply. He steps next to Jeongguk who is standing by the edge of the wood, staring into the abyss-like darkness in front of them.

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