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hello this is because i didn't upload for an entire month and also this is v v angsty


The days pass in a blur. The pub hasn't called Taehyung yet to tell him when to start working.

So he works a lot, living through a sudden surge of inspiration. Talking to Hoseok and Namjoon really helped him.

He manages one chapter per day and feels invincible.

Jeongguk works equally as much and perhaps even harder. He returns home late and tired, and sometimes, he can get Taehyung to have dinner with him; sometimes, it's the other way around, and other times, they are both too tired to even talk.

It's not a lot, and only one morning after Taehyung was up half of the night to write, he awakes way too early when Jeongguk climbs over him to get ready, feeling extremely clingy. The deprivation of touch and affection seems to catch up to him.

"Hey, sorry," Jeongguk whispers, standing next to the bed but still leaning over Taehyung, "Didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep, okay?" He brushes Taehyung's hair out of his eyes, traces his fingers down his forehead and the side of his face. Taehyung pouts sleepily.

"D'you have to go to work?" he mumbles. Jeongguk lets out an endeared chuckle.

"Yeah... unfortunately."

Taehyung whines and wraps his arms around Jeongguk's neck. The younger kisses his lips.

"Right now? Can't we cuddle a bit first?"

Jeongguk halts.

"Yes," he says right away, "Yes, of course we can... scoot over."

He lies where Taehyung was before and pulls him close. As he holds him as tightly as possible and kisses the top of his head every now and then, Taehyung realizes that Jeongguk missed this, too. He sighs happily and lets another wave of sleep engulf him.

When he wakes up a few hours later around noon, Jeongguk is long gone, but Taehyung has received a message from him.

Love you baby. How about I get some takeout after work and we have dinner together?

Taehyung smiles brightly. His heart flutters in his chest.

Sounds very good!! I miss you :(

Jeongguk replies after another while.

It's a date! Miss you too

Taehyung forces himself to get out of bed and get ready, has breakfast and way too much coffee to get him going, then he sits in front of his laptop again.

About half an hour passes before he realizes that he hasn't heard of Yoongi in a while. The last time was through Jimin, and that was already... a week ago? Maybe more? Taehyung has lost all track of time.

Perhaps he should just give Yoongi a quick call to check up on him.

It takes the man a while to pick up.


"Hyung." Taehyung smiles. "It's Taehyung."

"I know. Everything alright?"

"That's what I wanted to ask you, actually. Haven't heard of you in a while."

Yoongi is quiet for a moment.
"Oh," he says, "Uh, yeah, sure. I'm... yeah."

"I've been working on the book quite a lot," Taehyung tells him, "It's going quite well. Especially now that I've talked to Hoseok-ssi and Namjoon-ssi the other day." He turns in his office chair. "You knew that, right?"

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