Happy Birthday, Dad <3

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So this my message to the best dad in the whole universe and sorry I didn't get to write about you earlier. :/ I was busy but it doesn't mean it wasn't your birthday because you deserve it more than anything. :')

Dear Twinny,

Hey dad another year has passed without you here yet whenever you come up in a conversation its like you're here but not physically. And yes it hurts but I love hearing things about you because I know its true and I can get a few laughs because you were so funny, I know. When hearing it from mom makes it all so real even though I don't recall or remember it all. I wish I had knew you more than everyone else but the stories help me and for that I am grateful. The other day I was crying because I knew you weren't coming back from the grave yet still it helped talking about because that's all I can get to know you. Yes I get sad every now and then because I don't get to do stuff with you like I see fathers and daughters on movies. It really hurts me in the gut but it's heartwarming to see how much love comes from what I watch on tv. That's why I love father son and father daughter movies and appreciate them so much. They make me sad yes, but I'm still grateful to see others happy with their loved ones. It's okay we still have mom, so we're alright with that. Jack Frost is my favorite to watch during Christmas. I didn't get to last year. :( But just the thought of your father coming back to life as a snowman warms my heart as well as bring tears to my eyes, because he has to go back to heaven. So to wrap this up, tie it in a bow, or whatever, my dad is a national hero to me because he did everything except swim with sharks of course not LOL but he was, "exceptional at everything that he did." (Quote from another of my favorite movies)

To be continued. . .

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