//because, A▪MA▪ZINGA//

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▪As you all know Sheldon Cooper is played by Jim Parsons. NO? well now you know. Anyway I think he's the best actor for that part, I couldn't pick anyone better! The cast is amazing at their work and that's why they've gotten 3 more seasons for the show because ♥amazinga♥

                                Jim  Parsons 

      ~ is VERY smart and CUTE! [not my words] but yes it's so true tho <3 He is mostly famous for his role on The Big Bang Theory as Sheldon Copper. Most girls find him attractive but the bad thing is not that....he's gay. It's because he's unbelievably talented and I wanna be in "his spot". Everytime you see him in an interview, he always mentions that he is no where close to being simular to Sheldon Copper. You would think that he is nerdy like his character but he mentions that he dosent know half of the stuff that his character says.

      That's astonishing because he's just that good at being Sheldon that's why you'd think that bahaha! And yes for short I use 'TBBT' bc I'm lazy sometimes cx and don't be hatin' cuz he's just cool like that; I sure wish I was watching the newest season CURSE YOU NO CABLE *Weeps in the corner* Anyways yup that's what I gots to say there's more but you'll get bored so bye *does Spock hands* ^.^


updated last: 4▪5▪14

A/N: no comments needed because there's not enough words to explain this guy. peace out c':

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