"Who is this young gentleman" my mom asks referring to Jaden who's behind me.

"He's a famous tik toker I'd call you dumb but that's reserved for your other daughter" Scarlett says from her seat on the couch.

"You dumb bitch" I yell running over to her and snatching her phone from her hand before grabbing her and heading for the pool out back.

"Line please I'm sorry. Your the smart one just please don't throw me in I love you I'm sorry please" Scarlett says as I hold her over the pool.

"Your the dumb bitch" I say throwing her in.

x x x x x

"I hate you" Scarlett says plopping herself on the couch beside Jaden and I having come down from her room where she had just showered.

"Then the feelings mutual, also wanna give you a friendly reminder, your ugly" I laugh as she rolls her eyes.

"Hey guys" Dawson says walking into the house.

"Dawson" I squeal jumping over the couch to give him a hug. "I thought you'd be working"

"Hey little sis" he says giving me a hug before yelling to our parents. "Am I late"

"We are still waiting on Sawyer and Rainy, and the ham" our mom yells back from the kitchen.

"Who the fuck are you cuddling with, and does he know about dads rifle threat yet" Dawson asks finally noticing Jaden laying his head on my lap.

"Dawson this is Jaden, my best friend" I say putting emphasis on best friend.

"Best friend" Dawson asks with a questioning tone.

"She's secretly his girlfriend" Scarlett comments and I grab a pillow and throw it at her. "I take that back she wishes she was his girlfriend"

"You hurt her I hurt you" Dawson says with a laugh.

"So scary" I remark laughing my ass off.

"Honey I'm home" Rainy screeches as she walks into the house.

"Foods Ready so perfect timing on your arrival" our mom says poking her head out of the kitchen

"Food" Scarlett yells as she runs to the kitchen sliding on the laminate floor and into the wall, causing everyone and I mean everyone to bust out laughing.

"Y'all are shit faces" she says getting up and limping to the table.

"Language young bitch face" I laugh as Jaden and I go sit at the table.

"What have I told you about socks in the laminate floor Scarlett" our mom asks and she can't help but laugh at it too.

x x x x x

Jaden and I were sat beside one another at the table eating in a comfortable silence when my dad asks the embarrassing question.

"Have y'all fucked yet" he asks continuing to eat his dinner as if he didn't just ask an awkward question.

"Dad" I yell face palming myself, my cheeks turning red.

Transplant Love - Jaden HosslerWhere stories live. Discover now