~ eight ~

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Friday,  June 25th, 2020, 12:30 pm

-Madison Adeline Morris-

"Hey guys welcome back to my channel. Today I'm going to be filming a would you rather in real life with Blake and Line" Bryce says into the camera.

"I'm already scared" I comment as Jaden walks into the living room with another camera for when we leave the living room.

-Jaden Hossler-

"In this hat we have 7 would you rather cards and two safe" Bryce explains.

"Nose goes" Line yells putting her finger on her nose as Bryce quickly does so as well.

"Awh fuck" Blake says as he grabs a paper from the hat.

"Show it to the camera" Bryce says as Blake opens the crumpled paper and reads the would you rather.

"Would I rather lick the person to my lefts foot, or lick a banana mobile tire" Blake reads off before showing the camera the paper.

"Both of those are gross and I swear to god if you pick to lick Bryce's foot I'm gonna laugh so hard I'm probably gonna cry" Line states crossing her arms.

"I'll lick Bryce's foot, cause this girl drives that thing everywhere, I'll probably get a lot of sand so Bryce take your shoe and socks off" Blake says as Bryce throws his foot into the table.

"Already done" Bryce announces proudly as Jaden comes over recording a different angle.

"Go" Line yells as Blake licks from Bryce's heel to just below his toes.

"I'm surprised I didn't barf that was so gross" Blake comments as he takes a drink out of his water bottle.

"What'd it taste like" I ask holding in my laugh as I zoom in on Blake's face.

"Sweat, bro take a shower after this" Blake says smacking Bryce with his sock as he makes a face like he's gonna barf.

"Wanna know something funny" Line asks us.

"What" Blake says as he leans back in his chair.

"I washed the banana mobile yesterday" She laughs as Blake gives her a death glare.

"And she couldn't have told me this before I licked Bryce's foot" Blake says to the camera.

"I'll go next" Line says grabbing a piece of paper out of the hat.

"What is it what is it" Bryce says excited.

"Would you rather prank call one of your contacts or get tazed" Line reads.

"If you prank call someone can you prank call your mom and tell her your pregnant" Bryce squeals excitedly.

"For a better reaction I'm gonna prank call Casey and have her think I got arrested" Line says pulling out her phone as Bryce starts typing in google translate. "My mom wants grandkids so I'm willing to bet she'd be happy"

"Ready" Bryce says as she presses call.

"Yellow" Casey says as Bryce taps the button.

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