"Sorry, but you're not going to become Fire Lord today." He stated determinedly as he jumped off the sky bison's head and faced his sister. "I am."

Azula let out a mocking laughter and held onto her stomach as if it was the funniest darn joke she had ever heard. "You're hilarious."

"I see you brought back something that belongs to me." Azula added with a malicious grin as her eyes landed on her 'pet'. "I'll admit. Your betrayal was painful, but I'll have time to teach you some new manners." She glared at the girl with the red hair, her eyes burning with grit.

Tsai stood tall next to Zuko a deep scowl on her features hands clenched at her sides in resentment.

"You're a monster Azula." She cried out angrily.

Azula flinched a little. Those words they weren't hers, they were her mother, Ursa's bitter words. Her golden eyes widened slightly in injure. Schizophrenic words echoed in Azula's head. Everything was a lie.
Her mother. She had pinned them all against her, confused them, conditioned them into hating her just like she had.

"You're a monster Azula and I won't hold back this time!" She threatened venomously.

"You're going down." Katara said standing beside the two Fire Nationers.

The three braced ready to attack. The Fire Sage behind once again raised the head piece crown ready to crown her-

"Wait," she raised a hand signaling him to stop the ceremony.

The Fire Sage stepped back and Azula rose to her feet stepping forward. "You want to be Fire Lord?" She sneered at her older brother. "Fine. Let's settle this. Just you and me, brother. The showdown that was always meant to be. You win you get the throne. However, I win and I..." Her mouth stretched into the beam of an unstable person as she began laughing uncontrollably in unstable loud fits. The later part of her bargain left unsaid.

"Agni Kai!" She roared eyes blazing.

Zuko was gritting his teeth as he starred down at his sister, his knuckles turning white from tightening them so hard at his sides.

"You're on."

Azula's lips stretched into an evil smile.

Katara turned to look at him surprise. "What?"
"What are you doing? She's playing you." She said in disbelief. "She knows she can't take the three of us so she's trying to separate us."

"You can't be flipping serious?!" Tsai turned to look at Zuko in equal shock almost pulling at her hair. "I know that the Agni Kai is sacred and what not- but- You cannot be serious. We can take her down, the three of us. Together."

"I can take her," Zuko repeated frustrated.

"I know you can," Tsai sighed. She didn't doubt his skill, she just wanted to be helpful. "But we came here to help you."
"We came because you yourself admitted to your uncle that you'd need help facing her!" Katara added.

"I know." Zuko replied softly without taking his eyes off his sister's. He took in her appearance. There was... something off about her.
Azula looked unbalanced. Almost unstable. Feral. Her hair had been shredded and poorly chopped. The look in her eyes the one of a lunatic.

"But I can take her this time." He reassured both girls who exchanged a concerned look.
"There's something off about Azula. I can't explain it, but she's slipping."

He closed his eyes for a moment and looked at the girls that stood by his side.

'Well obviously! She's officially lost her mind!'

"And this way, no one else has to get hurt..." He finished.

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