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Graser's pov

I am with my mom, she's leading me to this bright thing, I don't know what it is. "My little boy, come with me," she says waving me to follow her.

"Is that... heaven?" I ask almost scared. She nods. Of course my mom, my mom who died in a car accident when I was 6. 

I can't leave Jordan. He won't miss me, but I need him. In heaven apperently you are always happy, but without Jordan I can't be happy. How can I be happy without the one I love? Wait, what?! Did I just say that I love Jordan? I did, and I meant it.

~Two Days Later~

Jordan's pov

I get off the plane. Wow, it's cold here. Should have assumed, it is December. 

I have arranged to meant Ryan at the airport, and he'd drive me to the hospital to meet Brayden and hopefully Graser.

~When tehy arrive at the hospital~

Jordan's pov

As we arrive at the hospital I get extreamly nervous, why?

I see Brayden in the waiting area past the front desk thingy.

Ryan says that we are here for Graser, all I can think about is Graser. Is he awake? Is he ok? Is he alive? The lady lets us go wait with Brayden. Ryan sits beside Brayden and I sit across from them. 

Brayden explains more about what happend with Graser and I start to get even more worried. 

Graser's pov

I need Jordan, I want to go back. "C'mon sweetie," my mom turns back to me, "you can't leave now."

"Mom, I have to back to my friend... I love him, I can't be happy without him," I say smiling at the thought of being with Jordan.

"Okay, but promise me, don't forget me, hold me in your heart," she says with a slight smile.

"Of course, I love you mom," I say hugging her. The hug is warm and tight, just like when I was little. I miss her hugs. We hug for a while before I feel myself coming back to reality. 

I open my eyes, my eyes slowly ajust to the bright lights. I see someone as my eyes come to focus.


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