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I slowly wake to the sound of a steady beeping. My eyes flutter open. I'm in a hospital.

I see a nurse, "Hello, do you need a drink of water?"

I nod. She hands me a small cup of water, I take a sip. It feels nice on my dry throat.

"We took the glass out of your back and patched you up," she says smiling.

"Thank you," I say with a slight smile.

"We are going to keep you for a day, you lost a lot of blood," she says.

"Ok," I say before she leaves the room.

I look over to the table and see my phone. I reach over and feel a large amout of pain in my right side. "Ah shit," I whisper. I try again reaching for my phone in a different position, I feel no pain.

I sit back getting comfortable, and check my phone for calls.

Jordan: Hey bud, minuutes? -5 minutes ago.

I reply: Can't

Jordan: Why? Hmm

Graser: I'm in the hospital...

Jordan: Oh god! What happened?

Graser: I fell in a pile of glass, thanks to Shadow

Jordan: Oh XD you ok?

Graser: Yup I gotta stay an extra day though, idk why

Jordan: Ok, I'll leave you to your... whatever you do in hospitals

Graser: Ok I duuno what I'll do without you ;-; -I reply sarcasticly

Jordan: Awww pour Graser... Too bad bye

Graser: R00D XD bye bye

When we end out convorsation I just lay on the white sheets on twitter. I decide not to announce why I will not be posting for a couple days.

Suddenly I feel a huge pain in my back. I hear the heart monitor start going crazy with beeps. I hear my phone fall to the ground. All I see is black. I hear doctors and nurses speaking to eachother quickly. What's happening?


OOOOH shit just got REAL!

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