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Kayla pov

Roc shifted uncomfortably as she moved closer. He walked away into the house as she stood there shaking her head. Mia looked around confused and Malian bent down to her level. Mia looked shy so I walked up to them as Malian tried to give her the present.

I'll make sure she opens it I said with my arms out stretched to her she looked up at me and stood up til we was face to face

Umm and whk are you if you don't mind me asking? Rocs girlfriend I said with a smile of pride on my face she nodded and smiled back in return as she handed me the wrapped gift and walked away. I ripped the box open in slight jealousy and saw a beautiful diamond heart shaped locket I opened it to see a picture of Malian and Roc when they were younger. I balled the locket up in my fist and made sure it ended up in the trash

By 10:00 the yard was basically cleared out except for ray, mymy,  Jacob( one of  Rocs boys) and a few of mia's cousins Roc hasn't came out back outside since earlier and he wouldn't open the door when I wanted to see what wrong I walked in the house towards Rocs room prepared to comfort him until I heard voices I stopped in my tracks and my heart started beating as I prayed to god Roc wasn't cheating. I got closer to listen to the voices

How could you do that to her malia??!! Do you know how much she asks about who her mother is and I have to lie to her. Do you know how hard it is for me to get over you and to let you go?  Roc voice was full of hurt and he was a second away from braking down. Eola I swear I didn't mean to hurt you or her I was young and I didn't think I could handle a baby I wish I could take it all back. I love you Roc.  You gave me the most precious thing in the world and I just want to be there for her now she was in full blown tears and soon it was muffled and just could barely hear her sobs and I knew that mention he was hugging her. In that instant jelously ripped through my body I cleared my throat and turned the corner causing them both to jump malia unlocked her arms from him and walked right past me leaving the room I looked at Roc who was looking everywhere but at me

Baby girl I turned around and looked at him with my arms crossed that was nothing he said I shooed my head no Roc that was something you gave her the same affection that you give me. How do I know it won't go further next time or if I wouldn't have walked in it would have. Before I could find complaining he grabbed me and pulled me to his chest

You have to trust me you have to know that no matter what I love you more than anything you been there since day one even when I pushed you away I don't want Anyone else but you and I could never love anyone else the way I love you baby he kissed my forhead and ruffled my hair causing me to playfully hit his chest he smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked back downstairs and out the house to the back yard to help clean after everyone left the party me and Roc went home and mia said she wanted to spend the week at grandma August's house

Next morning I woke up to an empty bed I heard shifting throughout the house and sat up slowly and carefully so I wouldn't hurt my belly Roc walked into the room fully dressed when it was 8 in the morning

Where are you going?  I asked him work I sighed making him look up at me don't start he said glaring at me damn what wrong with him today I thought he put on his watch and adjusted it as I sat there glaring at him back to the streets I guess. Why? I said in a calm tone. I didn't want to argue with him right now. We are low on money. I've been slacking on my job and selling less and less packages now unless you want our baby to starve I suggest you get with the program. He didn't say it with a attitude but it still made me feel some type of way. He grabbed his keys then kissed me on the lips then lifted my shirt up then kissed my belly then headed for the door I love you baby girl he said while going out the door I love you too I sighed and a couple of seconds later I heard the door lock I could tell this street thing stresses Roc out. When he's with me and mia he's happy but when he comes home he's hard to get along with. I wanted some company so I called mymy over to watch some movies until my baby comes home.

Roc pov

Me and Ray were standing on the corner about to make a sell. As the guy walked up ray looked around for the cops and I pulled out a dime bag of sour (weed) and nodded to the dude. What's up? What's up I asked trying to look casual I didn't want to look suspicious. He tilted his head up. Grape which is when we made a sell in a hot neighborhood so the cops won't know. I was sloping on my money flow so I had to get a lot of sells today. I hated leaving my family for this shit but it had to be done if I want to take care of them. Just then prod and his nigga rolled up deep. Ray shifted his hand so his gun was easy in reach and I did the same. I hate taking lives but nigga keep playing with me. You lost boy? Ray said before prod fully approached. He just laughed like always I swear this nigga is bipolar he kissed his teeth I don't think so I got maps in every hood I could never get lost and then smirked I don't have time for this shit

You are in the wrong territory prod I said in frustration. Ask yalls girls who territory me and my boys was in a couple of months ago he said while smirking and all the rest of the boys start rolling. The anger built up inside of me more and more and before I knew it I had my gun pointed to his head. Ray was looking at the ground cursing about mymy he looked up to see me pointing the gun at prods head. Roc let it go but it was to late the force of the gun caused my arm to jerk back and miss his head but hit his shoulder. His boys stood in shock while ray pulled me back to the car. He disrespected my girl and the way  i was raised we don't go for  that shit. When we got into the car I sped off faster than ever towards my house.  Ray was staring out the window and I knew he was torn apart knowing one of prods boys fucked his girl,

I came at a sharp stop at the drive way and me and Ray hopped out the whip. I sprinted up the stairs as fast as I could and busted threw the front door.

Kayla pov

Me and mymy were talking about the club situation and she confessed to having sex with myles one of prods nigga.  As I was about to tell her what happened that night Roc busted threw the door looking mad as hell and Ray came in right behind him but he looked calm. We jumped cause like crazy and Roc came over to me and grabbed my arm. Did you fuck him? He asked me trying to keep calm. I looked at ray who was looking at the ground and mymy staring at him.  She knew he knew and she looked scared to speak to him and her eyes were full of water.

Ray... he shook ed his head and walked out the door. I knew who he was referring to but I acted like I didn't. What? He gripped me tighter sending a sharp pain up my arm I tried to snatched away but he was too strong .  DID YOU FUCK CRAIG!? DID YOU!? DON'T PLAY FUCK ING DUMB? by now his face was red. I teared up out of fear. He let go if me and shook his head.  Is the baby even mine?  He asked calmly. I-I-I  don't know. I put my head down and let the tears fall. He shook his head. I'm done with you. Don't call me, text me shut don't  even look at me. He turned to walk out the door as he did a sharp pain ripped through my stomach and I screamed in agony. My water broke!!! I yelled gasping for air

OK so I'm going to try up dating every Wednesday and maybe more but don't count on more than once a week so every Wednesday this should be updated so like and comment please

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