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Me and roc haven't been to school they began calling roc's father telling him that roc was failing almost every subject his father doesn't know about the pregnancy so he went off on roc saying it was because of the streets but truth is roc has been home with me since I told him I was pregnant

What about Lizae if its a girl I asked roc as he rubbed my sore lower back we were thinking of baby names since I was already 5 months I like Christian august is its a girl and Anthony romalo august  if its a boy he said I nodded my head in agreement things have been great these past months between us he has made this pregnancy thing a hell of a lot better than I thought it would be he kept his street life on hold but I knew that wouldn't last forever because once the baby gets here we are going to need more money witch means roc would be back doing what he do while I go to school

I like that one I said smiling while I turned and kissed him he deepened the kiss by adding more tongue and placing his hand around my neck and his free hand on my lower back as he hoverd over me he rubbed up and down my sides making me tingle I kissed his collar bone causing him to get aroused

You have to go get mia and go get in the shower you stink I said in between kisses he lifted me up bridal style into the bathroom then he set me down on my feet and started kissing me again no no no I know what your trying to do get in the shower nasty. Only if you get in with me boy I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant unless you want to kill this babby I think you should take them hands off me I took his hands off me but he pulled me and grabbed me closer as he put my mouth to my ear I'll hgo slow he whispered and started taking off my shirt and then his I didn't protest because deep down inside I wanted it he finished taking off our clothes and turned on the shower he steeped inside and then stuck his hand out for me to step inside with him and he didn't waste any time be kissed up and down my neck causing me to moan which as usual made him smirk

You ready?  He asked I nodded my head and he lefted one of my legs up and enters me slowly. I threw my head back in ecstasy and let out multiple moans he shut me up by biting my bottom lip which made me tremble I never knew how much oi missed this until now it was like a stress reliever and for the moment I didn't have a care in the world. And I loved him for that not just sex but all the time. He always made me carefree when I was with him when we were done we bathed each other for a while and just stayed under water with our bodies as one I leaned my head on his chest listening to the strings that his heart played as he rubbed my back. We was silent the whole time and we just let the water beat on us I didn't want any of it to end but he had to ho get Mia from school

He wrapped a towel around us both and led me to the bedroom he played down next to me and just held me fr a while I love you he said I love you too he let go of me and started getting dress as I layed there still wrapped in the towle when he was done he came and planted a kiss on my lips and then my belly in which he has been doing for the past five months. He walked out the door and I herd the front door lock and I felt a pics of me leave with him.

3 hours later

Roc has been gone for a while and I began to worry just as I picked up the phone to dial his number he busted through the door with that goofy ass smile on his face and Mia right behind him they had about 10 boxes of pizza hut why the hell do you have so many boxes ?

Because Mia is hungry I'm hungry you're hungry and I'm pretty sure the baby is too he said still smiling. What is up with you and all that smiling shit? Its creepy I said while rubbing my belly . he stuck out his bottom lip and pouted and BOOM! AHH!!  I screamed to the top of my lungs causing Mia to jump and roc to nearly drop the pizza he sat it down on the dresser and ran to my side what! What happened!?! He asked frantically. Then out of no where he started pacing the room oh my god. I don't know how to deliver a baby!! What if I kill it!?! We are all going to die. I'm too young to die. What if I don't go to heaven. Where will the baby go if we die. Oh god. What about Mia she will be a orphan its all my fault I should of used a condom. I'm so s-

Roc calm down and shut the fuck up. The baby is kicking dummy! He stopped pacing and glared at me don't ever scare me like that agagin baby girl he sighed and walked over to me and I placed his hand where the baby was kicking he smiled from ear to ear as the baby danced in my stomach.

He put his ear right to my belly and started talking hey its big daddy roc what's poppin. I slapped the side of his head and he faked screamed hey baby its your daddy I don't know if your a boy or a girl but I know you will be beautiful either way like your mother. Mia came running over to the bed I wanna hea I wanna hea too! Roc took her small little fingers in his and and placed it on the spot that the baby was moving. She clapped and jumped up and down laughing. That's your nbrother or sister roc told her and she nodded her head like she understood she put her hand back on my stomach and giggled again we ate all the pizza and fell asleep shortly after

3 months later.

It was the middle of July and my birthday was three months away but mia but Mia's is today she was turning four and roc wanted to throw a big party for her the sun was beaming on my skin as we were setting up the party In the back of grandma August's house. I sat down to take a brake and drink some water And roc continued to to put up the decorations. I am now 8 1/2  months pregnant and my belly looked like it was about to pop any minute roc told me not to help but I wanted to be apart of Mia's special day. I can't wait until we have a birthday party for my baby we still don't know the sex because we wanted it to be a surprise but I'm hoping it's a little girl

Soon people began arriving and I started to get mia dressed I dressed her in a  flower covered dress yellow colored jelly sandals and a flower head band  I wet her her so it was curly and reached her shoulders she smiled at herself in the mirror. You look beautiful baby I said as I stood behind her. She ran and hugged me at my knees tank yes mommy she said I smiled so hard my face could have broken she let got go of my legs and ran to roc who stood in the door way. We made eye contact and he knew how good it felt for me for her to call me that. He winked at me and picked mia up and kissed her cheek as he turned around and went down stairs with her I stood there smiling like a fool.

Once the party started I was able to just sit back and relax. Mia played with some of her friends and roc chilled with with his boys while me mymy and prehia sat on the side. Prehia is actually cool when you get to know her. She told me how she thought roc was just going to do me like he did the rest of the girls he was with which is why she acted the way she did but now she knows what we have is real we was all chilling and having a good time and mia was ready to cut her cake even though it was still early we cut her cake and opened presents

I guess that's all the presents princess he told mia a girl about the age 17 walked through the crowd she was beautiful. She was light skin with brown eyes and long curly hair I mean every nigga in the crowd was staring even ray until my my caught him I looked at roc to see if he was staring and he was. But his his eyes had something different in them. Shock , anger, and love why are you here malia? He asked as he glared at her I can't come to my own daughters birthday? She asked as she walked up to him until they was face to face

roc royal hood loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin