sit down

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I look on twitter and see that the dumb bitch chase tweeted about me. "comes at me for "cheating" but ends up getting her nudes leaked. wow. @sarahjhonson" i roll my eyes and respond. "chile stop coming at a 15 year old for fake nudes and get your shit together. go say the n word and kiss nessa or whatever you do." I then get out of twitter and go to tik tok, i film one to the sound  "You are the only exception." but at the end it stays quiet and edited the captions to "Me saying kill all men." "my dad: but not me right?" and then i turn away instead of saying "you are the only exception."
  I post it and my comments are on of three things "First!" and "Did you guys see her nudes" or "What a hoe."I ignore them and turn off my phone. As much as i want to slap Sean in the face for sending people my nudes. I can't. So instead i am going to destroy everything that reminds me of him. Starting off with the guitar i never use.
  I grab it from under my bed and and walk outside with it. "What are you doing?" Jaden asked walking outside with me. "You will see." I respond. First i throw it on the ground. "Um why are you destroying the guitar you payed slash stole." He says concerned and confused. "Because." i smash it on the ground. "I hate." i smash it more. "Sean." I say throwing  it down. "And that was something that reminds me of him. Plus it had been out of tune and a piece of it is already broken." I say standing back to look at the broken guitar. "Um why do you hate Sean?" Jaden asks standing by me looking at the guitar. "He leaked my nu-" i stop myself realizing Jaden thinks they are fake. But it was to late he already heard. "You sent nudes?!" He said shocked. "Shut the fuck up before my dad hears." I whisper scream at him. "You sent nudes?" he whispers. "Okay first off not full nudes i was wearing underwear and a bra, second off i was drunk when i took those and i sent them to him on accident." I explain. "Then why didn't you say that..."He questions. "My dad will KILL me!" I emphasized "kill" "Okay well telling the truth would be ten times better than lying." I slap my hand to my forehead in frustration "You dont realize it do you, Men get nudes leaked they make merch out of it, people joke with it and it helps their career. Women get nudes leaked and they are a slut, hoe, whore and belong to the streets. People start putting it as their profile pictures and men jack off to it." I explain. "Oh, i never looked at it that way." he says in a sad voice. I nod. "See, For example, Tony. Got his nudes leaked and he made merch out of it and it became a joke. But when Meagan Nutt got her nudes leaked everyone made it their profile picture and sexualized her. Its going to be different if i tell the truth that they are real. I said they where fake and people are still calling me a hoe." I explain. He frowns. "You're not a hoe, i am sorry you are getting hate." I shrug, "There is nothing i can do but ignore it." I say. "Well better put this in the trash." He says walking over to pick it up. "I have a better idea."
I go inside and find Bryce, who is notorious for destroying things. I walk into his room. "Do you have lighter fluid and a bunch of matches." I say while he plays video games on his computer. "Um why?" He questioned while focusing on his game. I sit on the bed. "Because i want to light things on fire." I respond. "First drawer on the top shelf of my closet." He says still playing his game. "Thanks!" I say while grabbing the lighter fluid and matches.
I get downstairs and pour the lighter fluid on the guitar. I look at Jaden who has marshmallows. "What? I like smores." He says responding to the weird face i gave him. I laugh a bit and light the match. "Goodbye." I say throwing the match onto the guitar. It instantly lights up into flames which looks really cool. "Why are you guys lighting a fire?" My dad says walking outside. "Oh Sarahs mad because Sean leaked her nud-" I give him a look. "Her what?!" He yells.

a/n happy birthday @cookiesfuntime and@skylarminor18 i hope you both have an amazing day! love you so so much!! thank you for the support!! ❤️🦋

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