⚫️Dating Steve includes...⚫️

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- 90s vibes dinner date
- Dancing with some classic vinyl records
- You don't deserve him because hE IS SUCH A GENTLEMAN
- Cuddling with him is the best
- You kept nagging him before he goes to a mission, because you would always get to know how reckless he can be
- Speaking of knowing him when he's in a mission, Natasha and Sam are the snitch
- Natasha: Hey, you know, your gentleman of a lover jumped of the aircraft without a parachute
- You: STEVE!!
- you are his personal doctor
- You are the jealous one in the relationship; Steve barely gets jealous because he knows that you are his and he is yours
- Though, you're jealous because his first love was Peggy and worried he might think of her all the time
- Give gifts only on your anniversary or his/your birthday
- Mostly food because he knows you love that
- Secretly, you would use his cologne, because it smells like freedom
- He would tell stories on what he did during the 1940's, including talking about his best bud, Bucky
- Both of you would dream about marriage and having kids

so hi, i didnt took so long to update again HAHAH. anyways, my exams are coming up and i haven't studied yet instead i update here, cuz you know, getting my priorities straight💅. Also thank you the 255k reads, luvs💖 and advance Happy Valentines Day everyone❤️❤️❤️



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2021 ⏰

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