⚫️When they're Sick⚫️

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Tony Stark
>Doesn't want to be taken care of
>Still working
>"Tony, you're working again!"
>"Why are you still surprised?"
>gets smacked on the head
>He almost died when he kept working while sick
>Asking Thor or Steve to carry him back to his room
>Eyeing him all the time making sure he wouldn't leave the bed
>Sleeping all the time
>Still flirty

Steve Rogers
>"I thought super soldiers don't get sick," You smirked as he rolled his eyes
>Making his famous chicken soup
>Hot chocolate afterwards
>He wants to take care of himself, but you wouldn't let him
>Don't worry you also have Worried Momma Mode™️
>Tissues everywhere

Bucky Barnes
>He's pissed because he's sick
>Tease him about it
>But also a concerned girlfriend
>He would sometimes use his metal arm because it's cold
>Watching Rom com movies
>Laughter with a hint of Bucky's coughs

Clint Barton
>He's sad because he can't do training with Nat
>Two words: Whiny Kid
>He would whine all the time when he doesn't get your attention
>He's like a kid who didn't got his favorite toy
>Coughs and sneezes all the time
>Pouting and arms cross included
>You and Nat ended up taking care of him

Bruce Banner
>Like Clint, he doesn't like getting sick
>You're like a loving wife towards him
>He actually said you can be a great wife someday
>Tony getting upset because Bruce isn't in the lab with him
>You treat him like a child
>But he loves it

Thor Odinson
>He's also a whiny child
>Always assure you that he's fine
>But with a stuffy, red nose, it doesn't look like it
>Wants to go to Asgard to get medicine
>Insist that he should stay in Earth because it'll tired him out
>Asking Loki to check on him
>He doesn't have any choice
>Not eating too much poptarts
>"BUT LADY (Y/N)!"
>"I'm going to put Stormbreaker away, try me"
>Thor: *whimpers*

Loki Laufeyson
>Curses under his breathe
>Doesn't want to admit that he's sick
>Gives up anyways
>He stays in his room to stay away himself from the others
>Especially Thor
>He also locked you in his room as well
>He fell in love with your Chicken soups
>Reading a book in silence

Sam Wilson
>Attention Getter™️
>He's lazy
>You have to nag when he doesn't want to move to his room
>He pulls you to a cuddle
>Always remind him to drink his medicine

Scott Lang
>You wouldn't let him do anything that'll tire him
>FaceTiming Cassie
>You ordering the giant ant while taking care of Scott
>Luis always visiting
>Giving him his orange slices
>Watching comedy movies
>Ended up sleeping on the couch

T'Challa Udaku
>Okoye messaging you that he is sick
>You immediately rush in
>Shuri telling you to make sure to give his medicine
>"I thought the Heart shaped herb doesn't get you sick,"
>"I thought so too,"
>He's off King duty as he spend the whole day with you

Stephen Strange
>Like Loki, he doesn't tell you that he's sick
>"I have Ph.D and a neuro—*coughs*"
>The cloak disagreeing with him
>You told him not to use his skill because it'll tire him out
>Meaning no portal making
>He attempted to lock himself in the Astral Dimension but luckily, he couldn't concentrate

Peter Parker
>You heard it from Ned
>You have to excuse yourself to go home
>"(Y/N), what are you doing here?"
>"I'm taking care of you, what else?"
>He can't be Spider-Man for the day
>You have to call Mr. Stark to tell him that he's sick
>Good thing he agreed
>He has to wear a mask to prevent from spreading his sickness
>But kisses through the mask

Hello luvs, Sorry for not updating for a long time tho😞 But I hope you enjoy this chapter🤩 Also thank you so much for the 7k reads💗💗💗



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