⚫️Their Reaction to the Fanfics⚫️

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Tony Stark
He read the story and he never thought people or his fans would such stories. Tony being Tony, he decided to snoop in your other stories and found your precious pride of joy (aka the smut) as he smirked, knowing he's gonna do with you

Steve Rogers
He respects every ounce of your privacy, but he sometimes becomes clueless or curious on what you do sometimes, so your phone was on the bed, open, and he sweating on what do. It was just one time so he decided to peek. His peek became snooping and was blushing hard on what he just read

Bucky Barnes
He would think twice before doing it, but one time, you mentioned this app called Wattpad, so he was curious on how people create stories using the internet. As he continues, he decided to find more in your library, and he found the smut ones. The next day, you couldn't move

Clint Barton
He respects your privacy, but sometimes doesn't. Boldly, he would peek on what your reading and he realize that it was a very smut one, "Hey babe, how 'bout we make it a reality?" He smirked

Bruce Banner
He really respects your privacy, but Tony was his wingman. He would tell Tony to peek on what you do on your phone sometimes. Tony—himself would love to do it for his science buddy and for his own entertainment. So, when he heard that you reading... inappropriate things, he had to talk to you about though

Thor Odinson
He actually read all of the stories in your library and the next day, he said, "Lady (Y/N), you have interesting stories in your phone," and from that day on, you never left your phone again

Loki Laufeyson
He has sharp eyes, so immediately saw what you were reading and silently read along with you. You jus realized he was there when he whispered, "You have been naughty, huh"

Sam Wilson
He was surprised from what he saw in your phone, so he mumbled, "The internet is a weird place.."

Scott Lang
When he read the stories, he thought it might help Cassie, so when he told you he planned on buying Cassie a phone and install that app, I think you died that day

T'Challa Udaku
He was confused on why you were reading a story in the internet so he asked Shuri about it. She had the access to snoop into your stuff, and after that she was traumatize and told T'Challa. He had to talk to you about it.

Stephen Strange
He has thousands of books in the library, yet you decided to read in the internet. He checked your library and found some... inappropriate things there. He decided to confiscate your phone after what he saw

Peter Parker
He was as red as his Spider-Man suit when he saw the fanfics. He had to confront you about it, but took things a different turn ;)

Pietro Maximoff
He was so intrigued of the story and read a little more, and saw him touching your phone and snatched it away from him. You scolded him for touching your phone, but you'll get something from him later v

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