Maybe all heroes aren't that tough

Start from the beginning

The worst part of it all was not knowing. Not knowing how much she was given. Not knowing for how long was she unconscious for already. I cradled her head and felt her pulse with shaking hands.

"I know that you know I don't like you but don't die on me like this for fuck's sake." Just when I was about to grab her phone to call Justin, the door slammed against the wall revealing Sophie's friend who I sent on a mission.

"Oh my god," She mewled before racing over followed by her other friends who looked too shaken up to even stand a foot near the bed.

I stayed rooted on my spot not having it in me to move from underneath Sophie's head that was on my lap. But the moment her friend took out her phone, I reacted quickly.

"How did you get in? Where's Allyssa and the the others?" There was no way Allyssa would of left and not have someone guard the room.

"I-It was unlocked. When I gathered the others I was too worried to just wait for you. I didn't even know where you went."

"Nobody was out there anymore?"

"The party is still going on but we managed to sneak out and in here..." I couldn't even question the girl further when she broke into sobs that threw me a little. I was about to ask her more but the sound of Sophie's familiar ringtone interrupted me.

"I'm inside, where are you?" Justin answered right on the spot. His voice sounded agitated and I'm sure mine did too.

"I'm going to meet you by the staircase. Hurry up."

Without wasting another second, I took off and nailed Sophie's friends a look. I felt my knees weakening every step that I took. Once I opened the room that separated the other party goers, the warmth of everybody's sins clouded me. The smoke and laughter was like a taunting laugh that was threatening to pull me back and I hurried down before my eyes leak. Only the figure I was met made it harder to do so.

Justin didn't look any better but at the same time he does. Now was probably a pretty bad time to mourn over how bad he looks in a good way with his shirt on backwards and laces not tied. The impending tears was harder to hold off and I balled my fists to stop them from reaching out and slamming myself against him. To have him tell me it's over and I'm safe now.

We didn't have words for each other so before I broke down, I motioned him to follow me back to the devil's lair. I didn't even want to know what was going inside his head as we passed by people who could barely walk straight. The taunting door ahead of me never looked too good to break as it did now. I wished this could all be a nightmare. A literal one where I wake up from and not where I live it.

"Is she okay?" I walked faster. I didn't slow down even when I heard him repeat the question as I dodged others who greeted me, bumped on me and spilled a drink that was probably the same one Sophie drank. But I felt him against me, bumping into me and his warmth surrounding me at such a hopeless place; it was harder to keep it all together. There was a brief moment where I allowed myself to think back, did he act this way before too? Back when I was the one behind the door? Were his steps frantic and wild, eyes desperate and unforgiving too as he raced his way to me?

"I asked if she's okay, damn it Agatha!"

"See for yourself!" I bellowed, before ripping the door open to where Sophie and her friends gathered.

The scene knocked me out and I merely felt Justin brushing me aside as he ran to collect Sophie in his arms. Not even a second wasted we were downstairs. The other kids who went to our school was too shocked to bring out their phones. It was flashes of scenes I never wanted to see again: hands moving rapidly against the screen. Tapping fingers against the cheeks. Fingers pointing at me.

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