Ive just been kiddnapped by who?

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"Wake up Hay, wake up Hay, wake up Hayley, wake up Hayley!"
"No, go away!" I yell at the person trying to separate me from my bed.
"I can't do that Hay, you know that."
"Well leave me alone then." I mumble in to my arm.
"Can't do that either, you've got an interview today so you gotta get up."
"Mmmm fine."
"That's good, there gonna be here in a half an hour so get a move on."
30 minutes later
"Hi sweetheart, what's your name?"
"Hazel, but people around here call me Hayley."
"Cute, and how old are you?"
"I'm eight, why, not like that matters?"
"Ok, um what do you like to do for fun?"
"Doesn't seem like much fun to me but alright."
"When's your birthday?"
"That's classified information."
"Ok I think we're done here, nice to meet you Hazel." The couple say as they shake my hand.
"I would say the same but I'd be lying."
"Hazel Grace, what was that supposed to be a joke?"
"No, I didn't like them, and I could tell they didn't like me so I was being honest."
"Ugh, well you've got another interview with a couple that looks friendly so stop acting like a baby and be nice."
"Ok, fine I'll play nice."
20 minutes later
"Hello, Hay are you doing well today?" A familiar voice asks from behind me.
"Yes, why?"
"Good." As the mistily person says this a rag is being pressed to my face and I'm getting dizzy.
"You gotta breathe baby girl?"
I nod once weakly
"Go ahead honey, this will make you sleepy."
I breathe slowly once, twice, three times then I'm out.
Sometime later
"Ow, my head hurts." I grown sitting up.
"Ah, our little fighters awake I see." A husky voice says coming over to me.
"Who are you?"
"Who am I, I'm your worst nightmare, that is who I am Kitty."
"How'd you know Mikes nickname for me?"
"I asked him stupid."
"Yah know for a guy that sounds like he likes kids you are mean."
"Ah, well your for me to torment not for me to cottle kitty."
"If your gonna talk to me call me by my name please."
"Ok Hazel I will,now stop being such a bad girl alright?"
"Oh shut up!"
"Watch your attitude little girl, or I will hurt you."
"Uh huh sure."
"I suggest you shut up now!"
"Yeah no, I think I want to talk more and seeing as this is a free country I can."
"Yes this may be a free country, but you are not a free person and you are a child so, you can not speak freely."
"What is this the 1700s?"
"For you yes it is."
"Hey, what's your name?"
"Like the arc angel Daniel?"
"That's funny cause I'm pretty sure he doesn't kidnap orphans."
"Daniel, I told you to adopt her not kidnap her!" A pissed off women says coming down stairs.
"Oh, um sorry Hanna."
"Shut up, your only to be around her if she tries to run or says something I don't approve of got it."
"Yes, I understand."
"Awe, your so cute, lets see what this jerk broke on you then get you some food."
"Ok, thank you."
"I already like you, your not rude like the others and your little."
I make a face at the word 'little' and she notices.
"Oops, sorry your small but not tiny."
"I feel better now that that's cleared up."
"Ok Hayley you have a concussion and that's all thank god."
"I'm hungry now."
"Oh sorry baby lets feed you now."
She say picking me up and carrying me to the kitchen.
"You like clam chowder?" I nod vigorously.
"Ok good, now you smell like licker so bath time."
I mone and wriggle until Daniel walks up then I'm completely still and silent.
"That's what I thought kiddo." He laughs and smacks my leg.
"Ow what was that for?"
I pout as I'm given a bath and when I see Daniel again I stop immediately.
"Good girl." He says picking me up.
"Put me down." I say through my teeth and he smacks me again then sets me down.
"Behavior like that will get you in big trouble young lady."
I ignore him and walk to Hanna.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you Hazel Grace!"
"No leave me alone Daniel, I didn't ask to be kidnapped so I don't have to respect you!"
"Hazel!" Hanna says through her teeth.
I stop walking to her and throw myself on the floor and start throwing a fit. I kick and scream until I'm lifted to my feet and dragged to the basement.
"Now now Hayley what did I tell you before, hmmm?" Daniel says as I continue with my fit.
"Hazel, stop acting like a child!" He say picking me up and holding me in the air.
I continue my fit until Hanna comes down stairs.
"Hazel Grace if you don't stop throwing a fit I will let Daniel punish you." As she says this I stop my fit because the thought of Hanna letting Daniel hit me was scary and my leg and butt still hurt from earlier.
"Now that you've calmed down, if you do that agin you will be stuck with Daniel until you say sorry for your behavior, am I clear Hazel?"
"Now what was that fit about?"
"Well let's see, um. I WAS KIDDNAPPED AM I SUPPOSED TO AGREE WITH THAT!" I scream and then regret it because Daniel has me over his shoulder in the blink of and eye.
"You will not ever do that again, understand?"
"Y y yes sir I I understand." I say afraid he would hit me again.
"Good, now if you talk I will hit you so do not speak unless you are spoken to. Understand me Hazel Grace?"
"Yes sir."
"Because you did what I told you not to do you get to spend some time with Daniel."
I whimper and Daniel spanks me once hard.
"Don't complain that's not a good thing to do in your position."
"You two may go now."
"Thanks Hanna, Hayley will be much better behaved when I come back."
"Yes I hope so because if not I'll have to do something and she doesn't want that at all I can promise you that much."
I thought she was the nice one. I think to myself not daring to talk because I don't want to get hit again. Soon after this thought I fall asleep.
"Wake up!" Daniel yells at me as I'm thrown in to a car.
"Ow, hey I'm a person not a doll be gentle!"
Smack, smack, smack, smack!
"I told you not to talk unless you were spoken to didn't I?"
"Y y y y yes s s s s s si si si si si sir."
"Thought so, shut up!"
I set there rubbing my face until he pushes my out the car in front of the orphanage.
"When they ask why your injured say you got in to a fight?"
"Yes sir."
"Oh god, Hazel sweetie are you ok, what happened?"
I run to Ms. Jones and hug her legs as tight as I can and say crying.
"He hit me a lot."
"sir I'm gonna have to ask you to leave and never come back, if you are not out of here in the next ten seconds I will call the cops."
"What I didn't do that some dick in my apartment did when I was talking to his wife and I beat the shit out of him for it."
"How'd you get out the orphanage Hazel?"
"I was kidnapped, by a member of the orphanage staff I think because the voice sounded familiar and I don't remember much after that cause there was chloroform in the gag."
"Well then I think you should go with Mr., I never got your name sir, what is it?"
"Daniel, Daniel Stanton."
"Stanton, Stanton, why does that name sound so familiar, oh that's right it's the last name of Hazels parents, let me see if your name matches her fathers I want to check something, ah there it is, fathers name: Daniel J. Stanton
Mothers name: Hanna M. Stanton."
"Awe, no your to creepy to be related to me." I wine convinced that he's lying.
"I'm guessing you think a DNA test is in order then Hayley?"
"Yes, I do."
"Ok, I'll call my wife and we'll do the test."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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