Chapter 18 - Secret Engagements

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At the crack of dawn Lyon escorted Sansa back to Tyrion's room. She didn't ask Sansa if she and Loras had shared a bed. Instead, Lyon squeezed her sister's arm in encouragement, and smiled as bright as she could. When Sansa was safely with Tyrion, Lyon made her way back her own husband.

She wasn't quite sure what to expect when she returned to her room, but he gave her only a half smile. That told her everything.

"Sansa couldn't do it." Lyon said.

"She was frightened, so we played chess. She found it utterly boring."

Lyon lunged and wrapped her arms around her husband, squeezing him as tight as she could without hurting him. "You're a good friend, Loras. Thank you."

"Just a friend?" He teased, and she shoved his arm.

"Sorry, a good husband, you idiot."

"I'll take it." 

Lyon laughed again, then made to dress herself. Loras averted his eyes as she found her clothes in dressers scattered around the room.

She sighed. "I suppose this is where I'll be sleeping until we leave for Highgarden."

"Vio brought all of your things in. As well as some suspicious articles she refused to show me. They're over there." Loras gestured to a chest pushed against the wall, covered by shadows and curtains. "Don't worry, I didn't look."

"How considerate. Thank you, Loras." 

Lyon dressed and put her hair together, allowing Loras privacy to do the same. She didn't think she would ever get used to calling him her husband- hadn't ever expected this day to come at the rate it had been delayed. But here she was, a wife. It wasn't how she imagined it would be. That was what made her heart pang, that she'd never find love that she could love freeluly, and Loras would be there to mask her feelings for his sister. She had her freedom from King's Landing looming on the horizon, at least. And a very good friend.

They broke their fast together, and planned their journey to Highgarden - not to be had until after the King's wedding. She bristled at the thought of staying longer, but realized it was for the best. She needed time to organize her growing armada. They had been quiet for some time, keeping the streets calm. It wasn't long now before word spread of Rauros and his growing influence. She would have to deploy them to fight for Robb, sending the hundreds of devoted souls she had gathered to assemble for the King in the North. The harbor had been suspicious of late with so many ships docked. Lyon had had to dispatch several out of sight already.

Vio and Toren would follow her to Highgarden when she eventually set sail, she only wondered if she could share her treachery with her husband. Loras would never put Margery at risk, but neither would Lyon. She'd see that Margery was safe and sound before she would ever allow Robb to set siege to King's Landing. 

Lyon kept her planning to herself and spent the day with her husband, simply enjoying herself. She met with Sansa, who sheepishly apologized, but Lyon assured her there was nothing Sansa had to apologize for. All was well. Sansa, despite being deeply upset by her marriage with Tyrion, had enjoyed a stroll with him that morning.

Lyon smiled. "He's not so bad once you get to know him. He's quite honor driven, even if he doesn't think so himself. I've seen worse men back home."

"Home..." Sansa sighed. Lyon felt that deep ache too, the one the clutched her heart in a cold fist. She missed Winterfell too.

"We'll see it again one day. I promise."

Sansa met Lyon's eyes and knew her sister meant it.

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