Chapter 2 - Lyon Baratheon

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Dearest Brother,

I have missed you and our family greatly since my departure, and moreso still with father's passing. I hope you and mother are doing well - at least doing as well as you can. Times are growing ever harder. Winter is coming.

You may have heard that Cersei has declared me Baratheon by name and blood. Know that, regardless of whose blood runs in my veins, I have always followed the Wolves of Stark. I will continue to. Do not ask how I got this letter to you, know only that I have established reliable connections in Kingslanding. Here there are some who would fight in your name.

Sansa and I are well, do not worry of us. I will protect her, and she I. Arya is no longer in Kingslanding. I do not know where she is. Do storm the Red Keep soon, it's been so long since I've picked up the sword and fought by your side.

Your sister,

Lyon Stark.

Robb Stark read the scroll in his hand, relief cascading through him, even though the dark man across from him watched on with eyes that glinted mischievously in the shadows. He wondered how Lyon ever met such company, but she had always been secretive. Perhaps too secretive. Lyon Baratheon. He didn't like how it sounded, didn't like that it insinuated she grew up a bastard. Briefly he thought of Jon.

"Well, what does it say?" Catelyn Stark anxiously fiddled with her fingers. She'd been doing so since the messenger had slinked into the tent, past his guards, and gave him the note, saying it was from "a friend".

"It's from Lyon." He said. Catelyn deflated with relief, then grew rigid again.

"Is she well?"

"She writes bluntly. She and Sansa are well, but they do not know where Arya is. She is safe..."

"And?" Catelyn stepped closer to her son, sidestepping the mysterious man who seemed to know her daughter.

"The Queen has claimed she is of Baratheon blood."

"Of B... by the gods." The wavering in her legs brought her to seat herself. Her hand flew to her perspiring forehead, thoughts unwravelling behind it.

"Is it true? Is Lyon..."

Catelyn swallowed, hard. "Had I known she was Cersei's child I..."

"What? What would you have done?" Robb's voice grew with growing frustration. After all these years... had Lyon always been a lost child of Cersei's, by default making her what he detested most, a Lannister?

"I never would have let her go to KingsLanding." They locked eyes then, sharply training on each other.

"It's too late for that." The messenger suddenly spoke up, a wry grin drawing his face up. "Baratheon, Stark, Lannister, bastard; whatever that girl is she's smart. Safest if you accept who she is now, she's settled in to play the long game."

Both Starks turned their eyes on him. "What do you mean?" Robb asked.

"I mean, Lyon has the queen in her pretty little hands now. She can play her cards however she'd like, so long as she plays the part of Cersei's brood."

"Who are you?" Catelyn probed, drawing the man's attention.

"Raphael. Pleased to meet you, finally. Lyon has told me much about you."

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