Chapter Twenty-Four.

Start from the beginning

After two contractions later, her dad finally showed up. He knocked on the door pretty quickly and she told him to come him. He rushed towards her and looked more panic then she was. She was actually taken back kind of.

"That baby better not come yet, I'm not ready to become a grandfather.", he said and she chuckled despite how much pain she was in. She held out one of her arms and he helped her up from the coach. Before she left, she locked the door and he helped her to the car.

As she was sitting there in the fifteen minute car ride to the hospital, she went through three contractions and her dad going off that it was going to be okay. She was actually starting to questioned who more nervous.

When they finally made it to the hospital, Lillian was waddling as she went in and she leaned against the counter, "I need Doctor Huston, I might be going into labor.".

"Okay.", the nurse said. "Lets get you a wheelchair and get you a room ready. I'll call her up while Nurse Johnson grabbed you a chair.", she said, taking the room and called her up.

When the other nurse grabbed her a wheelchair, Lillian sat down and rubbed her stomach, breathing hard when another one hit and she squeezed her dad arm.

A few minutes later, the nurse behind the desk told the nurse that gave Lillian a wheelchair to take her upstairs to a room and Doctor Huston well be there soon. She was taken upstairs to the maturity center and was placed in a room. She was told to change into a gown and she went into the bathroom, changing out of her sweats into the dress.

Right as she came out, the door to the room opened and Doctor Huston came in. She had a smile on her face, "How are you Lillian?".

"Oh you know, big and waddling. Oh! And might be in labor!", she said as she sat down on the bed and breathed deeply in and out. "Sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to yell. I'm just in so much pain and-"

"No, no, it's okay.", Doctor Huston said. "I understand. The nurse that brought you up here is bring the ultrasound machine, but while she's coming, lets checks some things up. Starting with your blood pressure, pulse, and temperature.", she said and they did all that. Doctor Huston told her her blood pressure was a little low, but not to panic. She then said,"Okay, can you take your undergarments off and spread your legs.".

Her dad looked uncomfortable as she did and her phone in her purse went off. Before she sat back down on the bed, she grabbed it and saw it was Ryan. She breathed out in relief, happy his break start and she gave it to her dad, "Can you tell him while I get check?".

"No problem.", he said, taking it from her and left the room.

Lillian laid down and Doctor Huston checked her out down there. Lillian felt a little awkward and embarrassed, having someone check her out down there. She was very shy.

"Well it looks like your indeed in labor.", she said.

Lillian propped herself up very quickly, "How is that possible?", she asked. "I'm not due for another three weeks! Is my baby going to be alright? Is he in any danger? What's going to happen? Why aren't you answering me?!".

"Calm down, Lillian.", Doctor Huston said. "All this stress if not good for the baby and you need to relax. Yes, he going to be fine, no need to be panic. He might be underweight but that always depends."

"Like how much?", she asked.

She shrugged, "I don't know, we have to have him here. My guess, five or six pounds. He'll be alright though, I promise.", she said. "That's good weight though, nothing threatening."

Her dad came back in, "He's said he'll be here as fast as he can.".

Lillian breathed in relief and nodded, "Good because we're going to be having a baby soon."

His eyes widen, "Are you sure?'.

"Yes, very sure.", Doctor Huston said and explained everything to them both and how a pre-term baby for being in the middle of eighth months can be safe and alright with just a little extra help, he's gonna be a healthy baby.

The nurse that brought her up here came back with an ultrasound machine and Doctor Huston set it up. Lillian put blanket over her lower side as she brought the dress up for the doctor to put some blue gel on her stomach. She turned the screen on and put the wand on her stomach, moving it around.

Lillian watched the screen and she saw something strange. "What's that?", she asked, pointing around Zane's neck. "Is that his umbilical cord?"

"Oh why yes it is.", she said. "Some times they get around the baby neck but it's okay if it's not tighten around his neck.", she said, looking closer to the screen. She pressed a few buttons and soon, she heard the baby heart beat. Lillian eyebrows came together when it didn't sound so norma. "Oh no.", she said.

"What?", Lillian said. "What's wrong?".

"The cord is wrapped around his neck around tight and he having a hard time breathing a little.", she said as she got up from the chair. She turned away from Lillian to the nurse as Lillian tried to breath, controlling her emotion and concern. "With some of the other nurse, go set up for an emergency Caesarean section.".

The nurse nodded and left as Doctor Huston turned back to Lillian.

"A C-section?", Lillian questioned. "Well is he going to be alright?", she asked for the millionth time. "Oh God, my baby could die.", she said as tears went down her face and her dad held her. She easily panics allot.

"He's not going to die.", she said. "This happens Lillian, we're going to get him out safely and quickly."

"And what about the C-section, is it safe for the both of us?", she asked. She didn't really care how Zane got here, even if she has to live the rest of her life with a scar, all she wanted was her baby out and safe.

"Yes, I have performed a lot of C-section before. I promise, you and your baby going to be alright. I'll be right back to come get you right after everything prepared.", she said.

"What if your to long and everything to late?", she asked.

"We're hurrying the best we can.", she said. "Just relax because that's only going to stress the baby and he'll move a lot more, causing it to get tighter around his neck. So do as I say, okay?".

Lillian nodded quickly and laid down, trying to control her emotions as Doctor Huston left. "It's going to be alright. He's going to be safe.", she said to herself. She was so scared at not knowing what's going to happen. Her dad hugged her and just wanted him here and it all to be over.

Five minutes later, the door to her room opened and Ryan came in, rushing to her side, "What's happening?".

"He's coming.", Lillian said, taking deep breath so she would start freaking out again. "I have to have a C-section, the cords wrapped around his neck a little to tight. They're preparing everything right now."

"What.", Ryan said. "Oh God, I'm sorry I wasn't with you sooner.".

"It's okay, you were working.", she said. "You're here now but Ryan, I'm scared. She said he's going to be fine, but what if he isn't?".

"Lillian, you have to relax.", her dad said, reminding her. She couldn't help it though, he doesn't understand! She worked this hard, doing everything right as her doctor said. So why is this happening? Why can't she have it on her due date and have it naturally? But it didn't happen and she's having her baby early and he's in danger. She wanted him out and is it wrong to be so concern? No.

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