Chapter 3 - Aftermath Part 1

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           I had been back in base for 3 hours before anything was said to me; W wasn't the only one in the medical bay. I overexerted myself meaning I used some of the energy I wasn't meant to but I'd rather that than watch someone die, thats what my mama taught me when I was young, no matter how long we have the flame burns, and that in itself is a timer of demise.

I know I ain't out of life yet, but after the stunt I pulled; I've had hours to think about my life and what I've done so far in it. Is revenge really worth a life goal? Shouldn't I focus on making my life the best it can be? sadly from what I overheard I might not even get a chance to have my own family, but if I can rewind, stop and speed up time, then I am sure as hell I'll do everything I want to before I leave this earth, thats the power of belief in my soul: I can do anything!

Whilst waiting I had an unexpected visitor. "Hello, White Rabbit" I said smiling through my see through respirator.

"Your pretty reckless, almost dying after being with us for such a short time. Its kinda sad honestly. But what you achieved in such a short period of time here is something to be proud of." I remained silent.

"Why did you save her, Shade? what possessed you to go so far for someone who clearly never shed a tear over you for 10 years?" and after hearing that I broke my silence after taking the respirator off.

"FrostNova... what makes a person act is emotion... If it was you in the situation I would've done whatever... I needed to do to ensure you lived... that's all" I walked over to W who was asleep.

"I cannot... forget as easily as I forgive... please make sure they look after her... I will go train with your-" FrostNova stares at me.

"You will get back on that bed and rest, or else!" I could feel a sense of sadness and also care coming from behind her cold exterior.

"Fine, Nova, but for someone so cold, your heart paints a different story, huh?" her expression changed and she looked away.

"For someone who had no reason to join us, you sure treat us like family shade, even Mephisto." I smiled as i put my respirator back on, and took a moment to think before answering.

"When life takes everything from you... you can still have the most important things... as long as the people are there... I am not saying you can ever replace a mum or a dad or a brother... but i can sure as hell treat them like they are... so they... don't feel... Alone!" And I fell asleep, tired from exhaustion.

FrostNova POV

I saw him fall asleep. "such a kind soul, yet to fight with us despite how bad our leader has gotten mentally, your something special. I wished I went with you back then, I can't pretend to know the pain you've been through Shade, but I hope we can all support you, so you can enjoy your life free with a family of your own." I smile as I look down at him.

"I will do everything I can to protect you like you have for Crownslayer and W. Your not alone anymore." I kiss him on the forehead before leaving.

Several hours passed, the light of the sun turned to the dark of night, millions of finely cut diamond showering the night sky presenting a picture perfect sight of beauty.

The moments of bliss were abruptly interupted as my Radio blared into my ear,

"haaa, haaa, FrostNova... it's Alex..." Crownslayer took a minute to breath as the radio link got slightly worse "They killed Alex, and Misha is missing too, we need reinforcements..." FrostNova took a moment to think

"I can't send Shade he's in no position to fight, his squad will be dispatched however, they are elites, trained in blade mastery, and also since W is barely on her feet I can't send her either... I will deploy a squad under Bob to be deployed to assist you also. and I will talk to the remaining leaders to try and get additional support to you... If worst comes to worst, your ordered to return here immediately, can't lose 2 leaders in a day, understood?" I heard Crownslayer agree as the line went dead.

"Hey, whats that noise about Frost?" I heard the dull voice of Faust ask me a question.

"We are having issues on the front Skullshatterer was sent to cover, Rhodes island and the L.D.P are working together to bring the squad we have there to 'Justice' by murdering them... its disgusting how their leader acts-"


Shade POV

I walked around the corner after hearing talk of a team being in trouble.

"what's happening on the front lines?" FrostNova responded honestly.

"Skullshatterer is dead and we have very limited availability in reinforcements. we sent your Avenger squad to support alongside Bobs Buzz saw squad." I thought for a moment

"I will not leave my squad to go alone, as you can see I can walk. I am going with them!"

"No, its better if you stay and recover brother, I'll go... seeing as Frosty never asked me." FrostNova looks away, almost embarrassed.

"Mephisto, we're going, bring the Defence Crushers." and with that a squad of Mephisto, Faust and the iron clad warriors known as the Defence Crushers left to reinforce the front line.

"Thank Frost, for looking after me when I am recovering, without someone to tell me not to be reckless I act... well, Reckless." I laugh weakly

"Your not allowed to die anytime soon Shade, now, you'll be doing light training instead of your regular regime to get you back to fitness starting in 2 days. rest up and recover alright?" I smiled.

"OK, Nova, I promise I will..."

Unknown POV

"Alex, I will avenge you!"

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