Chapter 1 - The Spark Part 1

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Its been 10 years since Sarkaz's Queen fell. Not long after, they gave the doctor kingship. It didn't change much, oripathy runs rampant and more and more disasters afflicted this world. You would think things would get better in time, however, a newly formed terrorist group, known as Reunion, that formed back when Doc became king, have started running rampant, destroying city after city. Doc himself disappeared, leaving Sarkaz to burn, and a new organisation started up to fight Reunion. All in all things descended into chaos and there was nothing anyone can do to stop it.

Once again i walk the desolate wastelands, miles upon miles of nothing but sand and death, seeking a place i can call home, with my final remaining possession: a sword my dad named the 'Ace of Shades.' Every so often i find a place and every so often I have to leave. It was that feeling of hopelessness that kept me going, knowing I am alone in this. it rips into me every time, why me? it doesn't matter I'll keep going, i still have the gun he gave me, with the one bullet in it, call it a cliche gift if you will.

After Hours of walking. Finally, a city. Well looks like I found a new home. I wonder if there's any infected here, I hope they get treated OK. As I enter the city, a foreboding sense of people watching me. This doesn't feel too great. I wonder where i can go? For hours i walked the streets, then I found secluded abandoned building, looking at it you'd think it would fall apart. It took a while gathering some materials from nearby buildings, but i found wood, i also found a really ripped blanket. I should definitely be able to use this, maybe not for long but definitely for a while. And not long later I had a very small place to call home. As it was dark, I decided to sleep without food today. I'll prioritise that tomorrow.

When I awoke, the sun was just starting to rise, the multiple shades of red eclipsing across the morning sky. Days like these, I an glad I'm alive. After several moments admiring the sun rise, I started my training regime. Sit ups, push ups, shadow boxing and Sword practice - Usually where I practice my technique and finesse with Ace of Shades. Mid-way through my sword practice, I heard some noises coming from a lower, I decided to go see whats the deal. I go invisible, and slowly approach the floor below me. Who are these guys? whats up with the masks and the raggedy dude? Then a hooded figure entered the room. 

"Operation objective is simple, catch the Hooded figure leading Rhodes Island, he goes by Hawk. That Is the order Talulah has given us. Intel has told me, that Rhodes Island is passing by here and we need to catch them here, whilst we have the chance. Junker men, i need you to form the from wall of defence. Spec Ops i need you to provide close range support to the casters, Casters i need you on 4 fronts, using your arts to use any creature you can to get through the lines of the enemy. I will keep attempting to disrupt enemy AoE snipers and casters so our Junker men can breach defence, we have 15 minutes til they are expected, everyone to positions!" the entire collection of troops just cheered. 

"Yes Crownslayer!" I wanted to laugh. You can tell that guy thinks he's a good strategist. But if the enemy has a different strategy that just defend he's gonna lose. That's when Crownslayer looked at me. Hold up that's a girl?! the voice hider certainly didn't give that away.  I retreated to a vantage person a few floors up and got a good position. I saw Rhodes Island approach as they slowly moved in formation.

"Rhodes Island, Battle formation engage." I saw a man in a what looked like a black and blue trench coat wearing a mask. Wait a minute, that pendant. When I saw doc after he was crowned king he had that strange pendant, no way its him. What happened to Crown slayer's forces?

As I looked down I saw Hawk walking towards Crownslayer who was now tied up. Well time to make an entrance. I smile to myself as i unsheathe Ace. I jump and land between Crownslayer and Hawk. Several Snipers fire a shot at me. Time around me slows down as time in my body is accelerated and I proceed to cut down every bullet fired at me perfectly. I then pointed Ace towards Hawk. 

"Hello, Brother..."

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