Chapter 0 - The Reason

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10 years before the Collapse, we lived peacefully, our Queen, Queen Theresa ruled the land gently and for her people, her chosen advisers; myself, the Doctor and W. Albeit we had our own names, we adopted the names she gave us as out way of appreciation for her kindness to us and so we dedicated our lives and honour to her, at least that's what i thought...

"Shade, can you help me with something?" I turned to see a smiling W apparently looking to go gift shopping. 

"Hey W, I, uh, wouldn't mind but am I the first person you asked, we both know I'm not Doc." She smiles, whilst putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Y'know I don't care for Doc, he is popular and somewhat rich but for a person he's bland." I smirk as I look at her.

"So you like him, huh?" she looks disappointed as she turns away.

"You'd know if I did, I wouldn't spend time with you." as she goes to walk away, I decide to just follow along, she knew I would. 

"Can I get ready first seeing as my dorms on the way to the exit?"

"Sure, I'll meet you at the entrance in 10 minutes, be there ON TIME!" She says as she walks off. Jeez, cut me some slack, you know I go all out when I go out. 

When I returned to my  private quarters, I decided if I was to go out today, I was going out in something that suited me. I got my black trousers, my two tone black and white shoes, my red shirt, and my black knee length suit jacket (trench coat length but with suit style material) slicked my hair back, and went to the palaces front entrance. 

"sorry to keep you waiting W, you know I only dress to impress." She smirks as she looks at me. 

"Trying to impress? Maybe impress, me?" I look at her and thought about it.

"I doubt this would impress you W, your taste is much grander than me, and we both know it." She looked irritated by the comment as she responds coldly to my words. 

"How would you know who I like and what type of guy I like Shade? Maybe you should think before you speak, now lets go we don't have all day."  And like that, I had a thought to think about all day and also had to deal with W ow bad mood for a rather long day.

The hours flew by and before I knew it, Me and W were back at the palace. "Thanks Shade, for everything today, it feels nice to have someone be with you out of choice for the day." She smiles, as if she had been blessed. 

"W, you know I'd happily join you any day, right? life in the palace is as boring as it can get. Plus if I'm being honest, I get on with you the best here; myself and Doc, we have some bad times together, but hey it could be worse." she looks at Me as if I subconsciously admitted something, then looks away smiling. 

"Have a good evening Shade, I'll see you tomorrow, thanks for today again" and she walks off to her private quarters. As I return to mine, I found a note under your door. 'Please come to the throne room, I require your insight, Theresa.'

With the utmost haste, I approached the throne room, she had no guards within her room because this Queen had no enemies, she was the perfect human being. As I opened the door, my stomach felt sick. I stopped in and closed the door behind me. BANG! BANG! I looked at the throne and saw Doc, fire two rounds into Theresa before turning to me. 

"Oh please, don't look surprised Shade, she was too weak to lead an army of warriors, but you are strong enough, here shoot me and avenge the late Queen, show the world the next King of Sarkaz!" He gave me the gun, and I stare at it as he then pulls out a knife and slashes my left eye, blinding me. Then all of a sudden, W with several of Sarkaz's Elite Warriors, burst through the door, Doc smirked at me as he turns around and puts his hands behind his head. 

"Help me W, he shot Theresa!" A few seconds seem to transcend into hours as I hear bullets fire towards me, I evade them as I made a break for it! I managed to dodge all of them thanks to my abilities before fleeing the scene. I see Doc, that's how things are going to be...

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