[CHPT. 6] Thinking Is Hard

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Dean's pelt was aflame with anger. He was stalking to his next class after the ringing of the lunch bell. He'd left Wilbur and Benji to instead get a head-start on his walk to Geometry. His mind was racing with weird and mostly violent thoughts, I mean, who did that stupid little cheetah think he was? Dean hadn't even did anything wrong! Well- he didn't do any thing wrong right then, so they should've been chill. Whatever, if they wanted to hold grudges that's on them. Honestly, Dean wasn't even there to speak to cheetah-kid. He wanted to get to that newbie, Jonas. Maybe he'd see the fox later today, alone. Yeah.

     He marched up to his next class and stomped inside with his head down, usually he'd greet his female friends and maybe bug the teacher with questions- but now he just sat quietly at his desk, sliding his backpack off and onto the floor. He was about to cross his arms on the desk and hide his head in them to take a nap when someone padded up to him.

     "Deaaan? Are you okay?" It was Fleur, a lanky weasel gal.

     She put a small paw on Dean's desk, tilting her head. She was obviously trying to act cute, Dean could tell. She and her little posse all had taken a liking to Dean, he even suspected that most of them had a crush on him, including Fleur- what a bother. He looked up at her and grunted.

     "Oh Dean, don't be like that! Tell what's wrong, hun!" Fleur put her paws on her chest and pouted at him.

     "Nothin'." Dean returned quietly.

     "Do you want a cookie? I brought a pack from lunch, you can have it if you want!" She motioned over to her bag as she said that.

     "Mmno..I don't, thanks." Dean was looking away now, holding his head up with a paw.

     "W-well, you can come sit with us! I mean, you did walk by without saying hi to us." Fleur fake pouted again.

     "No, leave me alone." Dean replied rougher now, starting to get irritated.

     Fleur huffed then, turning and strutting away and back towards her group of friends. Dean could tell that they were starting to whisper about him as she returned, but he paid no mind. He just wanted to get through the rest of the day, and then go home. Right before the bell rang Benki and Wilbur jogged in, laughing together as usual. They spotted Dean sitting in his spot and trotted over to sit beside him. As they sat, Dean overhear part of their conversation.

    "Bullshit, Batman would get his ASS kicked in a fight against Superman." Wilbur bellowed.

    "But he's trained in combat for like, years- Superman just waves his arms around." Benki mimicked his words by flailing his own arms, Dean rolled his eyes.

     "Yeah yeah, but Superman has REAL powers. Like laser eyes and super strength? He's like...made to be a super-powerful god-like dude."

     Benki was about to retort when the teacher cleared his throat. It seemed that the whole class was silent except for Benki and Wilbur. The two froze, snickering to each-other before turning towards the board. Mr. Terry, a crane, narrowed his eyes at the pair before speaking.

     "Now if you're finished, let's begin."

     Dean sighed and let the lesson go in one ear and out the other.


     Walking down the street alone felt different. I mean, yeah- Dean usually walked with Wilbur and Benki, or if Benki borrowed his dad's car they'd catch a ride. So of course it was a little strange going alone, but you can't blame him! He had a crummy day and didn't want to be bothered. When Wilbur offered to pay for shakes Dean was out. If he'd tagged along they'd have to walk the complete opposite way of home to get to the burger place 20 minutes down the road, and Dean just wanted to go to bed. He declined, leaving Wilbs' and Benki to walk it together. Dean didn't mind too much though, at least he could think without those two chattering away at his sides. But what more was there to say? Dean let out a deep huff as he turned into his neighborhood. He hadn't seen Jonas at the end of the day as he'd hoped. In fact it felt as if the fox had hidden from him, probably sneaking away with that cheetah kid to avoid him, how shitty. It was alright though, he couldn't avoid Dean forever. Dean knew that he'd find a way to corner that kid and- wait what a fucking minute. Dean halted his walk, face frowning up. Why the hell did he want to be alone with this kid all of a sudden? There wasn't anything he really wanted to say was there?

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