[CHPT. 5] It Takes Guts

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     Jonas felt nervous all the way from the tips of his ears down to his toes. Yesterday was a disaster, plain and simple. Nothing could've prepared Jonas for the shit-storm that occurred after school. He'd gotten Douglas into a fight just by existing, his mere presence caused a stir between two folks that'd never even spoken to each other before. How did Jonas fuck up so badly? What had he done? He wasn't sure. But he was scared. Oliver had texted him earlier that day telling him that Douglas was staying home (of course, bless him) and Jonas had suddenly felt a sickly fear wash over him. Now, he had no one to show him around or help him if Dean decided to target him again.

     He was walking out of his second period slowly and carefully, not in a rush to be spotted. A part of him wanted to say 'fuck it' and sit quietly in the courtyard until lunch was over, and then rush to class as soon as the bell rang. He was too hungry though. Breakfast wasn't appealing in the slightest (chicken biscuits on wheat bread, ew) and he'd skipped it to instead use the time to study in his homeroom class. He slowly went down a flight of stairs, staying to the side to allow the more eager students to hurry past. God, at this rate the line was going to be stupidly long. But, Jonas felt as if getting into more trouble was worse than a long lunch line. He exited the building and headed out to the courtyard. Students were sitting there themselves, many with packed or bought lunches, chatting to their friend groups. Jonas almost slipped towards an unoccupied bench beneath a tree, but then his stomach growled. Fuck-

     "Jonas!" His name being called startled his fur into standing on end, he whipped around towards the sound.

     Oliver was nearing him at a steady pace, coming from the building opposite the one he'd come out of. Jonas snapped out of his surprise to wave happily.

     "There you are! Do you even check your phone at all? I texted you!" Oliver came closer, phone in paw to prove his point. "Look."

     Jonas pulled out his own phone to see that, yes, Oliver had texted him minutes prior. He read it carefully.

     Oli 💥: hey, wanna eat lunch 2gether?

     Oli 💥: we can get lunch and eat outside,, to avoid dean, lol

     Jonas looked back up at Oliver and smiled.

     "Oh, I'm so sorry about that- I was in a rush, heh!" He tucked his phone back into his pocket. "Yeah, yes- Sure, I'd love to each lunch with you!"

     Oliver nodded and started towards the lunchroom, Jonas followed.

     "Sweet, let's grab it and head out. There's a quiet space on the other side of the building, I invited Boston and Terry too! Remember them?"

     Jonas nodded. "The two super funny guys, I do remember!"

    Oliver nodded with a laugh and entered the Lunchroom. It was packed, of course, but Jonas wasn't too worried. Oliver was going to be by his side. They were going to grab lunch, leave, and hang out with some cool people! This day was going to be just fine. They neared the line and waited together making small talk. Mostly just asking each other simple questions and giving simple answers. They scooted forward as they could and grabbed their trays. Swiftly they piled their plates with food, paid, and wondered out of the lunchroom once more. Oliver lead the way to the spot he spoke about, a quiet plot that had two benches sitting pretty closely together by a brick wall. And luckily for them, Boston and Terry were already sitting there. Boston, a rottweiler, was wearing a leather jacket and holey skinny jeans. He was munching on a sandwich that looked as if it had been wrapped, perhaps it was from a fast food place. Terry, a small Fennec fox, was eating his own sandwich from a similar wrapping. Perhaps they had ran to grab their lunch out of school before coming back here. Jonas began to wish he had a car to do the same.

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