[CHPT. 2] The Freshest of Meats

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     Stomping through the halls Dean's tail swished and flicked wildly in irritation. He'd been chewed out by two teachers today already and he hasn't even had lunch yet! First, he'd been shouted at for flicking pencils at Harrison during homeroom. Then, the second time some puny rabbit chick crashed into him and splashed her open water all over him. He had no choice but to pick her up by the back of her shirt and growl in her face! What else was he gonna do? Let that shit go? The teacher wouldn't stop squawking at him about "treating girls with respect" and "not threatening people". What a joke.

     He kept stalking his way to his next class, Science, where at least he'd see his friends and get in some good laughs to lift his mood before lunchtime. He'd heard that they were going be having pizza today too, there's no way he'd want to be bummed on pizza day. He rushed up a flight of stairs and through one last hallway towards his class, pushing the door aside and stepping in. His gaze fell quickly on the back of the room where he and his friends usually sat. Benji, a tall and lanky anteater, was cackling wildly at a joke he seemingly heard. Alongside him was Wilbur, a beagle, who was snickering too. Dean trotted over in an instant.

     "Dean!" Wilbur was the first to look up and greet him, holding a paw out to start a handshake. "Took ya' long enough, gettin' old?"

     Dean clasped their paws together, and they begun their signature handshake.

     "You know it takes forever for me to get here from English, dumb-ass." Dean teased back.

     Wilbur started to laugh  kindheartedly at the joke, before he paused, sniffing the air with a frown.

     "God, why do you smell like a scared puppy?" Wilbur huffed, pulling back from Dean to quirk a brow at him.

     Dean's ear flicked in confusion for a moment, a scared puppy? Why'd they think he smelled like- Oh.

     "Tch, it's just the reek of some new kid." Dean scoffed, taking his seat beside Wilbur. "I swear, as soon as I stepped into the class he stank up the room with fear-scent."

     Benji leaned forward to look at Dean. "A new kid? Seriously?"

     Dean tossed his backpack onto his desk to root through it for his Science notebook. He pulled it out and flicked it onto his desk alongside a mechanical pencil.

     "Yeah, some fox kid- pretty tiny with some real big ears." Dean couldn't help but snort at his own comment, remembering those big ears sticking straight up like satellite dishes. "Name was uh...Jonah? I dunno, something like that- he just started today, and I've got English with 'im."

     "Ha! Sounds like a wimp." Benji responded, leaning back in his chair.

     "He was." Dean continued, talking about the newbie was starting to get interesting. "He was so scared of me, and I didn't even do anything."

     "Sounds like he needs a proper welcoming from us." Wilbur chimed in, grinning. "If he has our lunch, we should introduce ourselves."

     Dean shook his head with a smile. He knew that Wilbur loved scaring new kids with threats and aggression-scent, making sure everyone knew who was atop the food-chain here. He, Dean, and Benji were renown for the pranks they pulled and the fights they'd finished. Alongside the jock-types from the football team and the snooty-types in the cheer-squad, Dean and co. were one of the groups to be feared and respected. Amongst the student body that is.

     The bell let out a shrill ring as the teacher strode in with books cradled in her arms. Mrs. Miller, a short and stout robin, placed her things on her desk while greeting the class. She began rambling on about being late because some kids dropped their project on the ground or something. It was her fault for stopping to help, Dean thought. She probably would've made it if she'd just kept moving. It was whatever though, Dean just wanted to get through one of his most boring classes and get to lunch. He hadn't eaten much at breakfast and now that pizza was calling his name.

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