Chapter 3

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Walking out of class I had a happy smile on my face, relief a clear sign visible on my facial features. The only thing Mrs.Gardner , I learnt her name was; wanted to discuss with me is the expectations of this class, she also just gave me a brief nice introduction, then afterwards she evaluated my work for today.

By the time I reached the door and about to pull the door handle I heard it, "And Rebel, " she said

"Yes Mamn" I replied

" Just be careful around Charles."
She said In a voice that command you to listen and understand her words.

I'm sure they could see the confusion on my face.

"Charles??"  I questioned.

Looking back to my first day here J have never met a Charles.

She chuckled and replied in a strong voice, "The guy you sat beside in my class"

It took me a second to figure out who she was talking about and as soon as I did, my mouth formed an O shape. Memories came flooding back of our art class together and I could ulready feel the blush rising from my cheeks. Scared of her seeing my reaction to hearing about him, especially after she told me to be careful of him, so I quickly nodded and swiftly pulled open the door, and bolted.

Suddenly my body came in contact with a smooth stone. And then it grabbed my hand and swiftly pulled me to a direction I didn't recognize.

Shocked I was lost for words. It took me a few seconds to recover as I looked at strangely a hand that's dragging me toward the cafeteria.

Then my eyes trailed up to find a body, shocking at how it felt hand yet really warm, I guess that's what happens when you have a lean body.

I started blushing then, I decided to say something to the strange Male being,
"W w wha t t??"
I questioned in bewilderment.

"H e e yy!" I said surely loudly enough for him to hear but nope, he continued dragging me.

Fed up of this I started clawing at him my hands for him to stop since he was striding at an inhuman pace with his long legs.

I still didn't work so I digged my feet, in the ground hoping he would come to a halt. But the only thing it did was cause me to topple forward, as my face is an inch away from colliding with his back. It was then I realised the shirt.

The same one a certain someone in my class had on today.

But before I could get a chance to stare somemore of the shirt, and let's face it wouldn't be a good idea with my forehead collides with his back, he immediately turned around letting go of my palms and instead holding me by my shoulders in a manner to steady me.

My head lolled back and forth, causing me to be a little dizzy, so my hand flew up to hold my head, and my face crunches up.

I heard an his of teeth.
"Shit, are you okay?" I heard Charles voice say, with concern.

I didn't respond immediately as the dizziness wears off.
When I felt I was okay to speak I said

"Yes, thanks for  asking."

"Dont flatter yourself, I simply didn't want your unconsciousness on my hands" He arrogantly replied, in with an ego as high as Mt.Everest

And for their goes my second official meeting with him.

"Just walk behind me, dont say anything unless you are asked a question"

He stated in a fierce, and commanding voice that left you only as the victim.

Charles The Tamer Where stories live. Discover now