Chapter 1

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I felt the soft comfort of the mattress beneath me as the clock ticks. But of course, in my mind, I'm counting down the seconds to which my bedroom door will burst open.

I let out a sigh doing my best to savour a moment like this, just laying in bed, just before the big one, School. It's not just the prospect of school though it's the idea of gone is homeschooling, but here I come public school. I'm sorry, did I forgot to mention that it's college I will be attending.

I took a desperate glance at the clock praying for it to somehow slow down the time. It now reads 7:58.

'Only 2 minutes left' I thought as I let out a deep breath. I am so nervous for this. I have never attended public school, mainly because my parents thought they could shield me from the prospect it all.

I scoff at that thought, what could be so bad about Public School/Highschool for that matter. They sure know how to overexagereate things.

"Rise and shine sunshine. Guess what I heard today!!" Came the overly excited voice of agrete my personal maid since I was the very young age of 5.

I immediately let out a groan. "Ugggg!" It's way too early in the morning to be this overly excited, plus I know exactly what she HEARD.

She came towards my bed practically bouncing.
"Up up, today is your first day of public school, aren't you excited. U gonna meet new friends, finally do things a 17 year old your age should be doing." She said in a cherry voice.

Next thing I knew the sheets were off me and I am being drawn out of bed and pushed towards the bathroom.

"Hurry now, breakfast will  be served in 10 minutes time. Go wash up Treb, and dont forget to choose a nice outfit. Jesus act your age for once." She exclaimed rolling her eyes in a playful manner.

I dragged my feet all the way to the bathroom too tired to walk any brisker.

Agrete and I share a very special bond , as she has being very much like a parent to me though she can't replace my birth parents. She cooks, clean, and does anything a usual personal maid would but the thing I admire the most about her is how caring and tender she is towards other people always finding the good out of the bad. I could say I love her very much and I am sure she share my feelings.

After I finished taking a quick 5 minutes shower while washing hair I wrapped my body with a towel but not before using another towel to wrap my hair.

Stepping out of the bathroom, I saw a note left on my bedside table and a 100 dollar bill wrapped up in it.
I knew this must be from my parents so I unwrapped the note as I read what it says.

Honey your dad and I are so sorry that we can't be here to witness our baby girl's first day of college, but we promise to be back in a weeks time. We trust that Agrete will take the best care of you for us, of course that is what we hire her for,  but we know of her special bond witb you as she have always wanted a child but couldn't bear any  child sadly. But anyways we left you $100 which is your school money for today. Any amount of money you need for anything else you know who to go to. We love you honey, never forget that.

Oh and before I forget, your bodyguard Sam will be coming with you for protection of course. We wont let our baby girl into harm. With that said have a great day at school.

And that was the end of the message. I internally cringed at the thought of Sam following me around, all the time. I will definately have to tell him to keep his distance whatever he does.
My parents  are way too overprotective and worst is I dont see why they have to be so overprotective.
I quickly got dressed seen as I wasn't one to take an hour to choose an outfit, but dont get me wrong I very much cared for what I wear. I decided to go with my of a crop top and tight jeans paired with matching wedge heels.

Charles The Tamer Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant