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Billy's POV

I was running towards the cave, dodging all the branches and jumping on the rocks.

My eyes still bloodshot red from the sounds of a gunshot and the scream of my mother. I instantly ran when she yelled at me to. I felt horrible for not doing anything, but it was too late.

I reached the entrance of the cave, watching the steps as I quickly went down the rocky steps and jumped down on the platform to see absolutely nobody in the lobby.

A little bit taken off by the situation, I went over to the fountain to see if anyone was there, but to my demise, no one was there.

Out of disappointment I walked backwards and flopped down in David's chair. Placing my leg over the armrest with placing my elbow on it and my chin on my hand.

Where could they possibly be?

After about 10 minutes of thinking of my situation, I decide to get up and look for him.

Getting up from the chair I start looking around. I was normally, no, never around here during the day so I could see way better. It looked a little odd to be honest.

The discs were a little more flashy and the barrels weren't light up. It looked ghostly.

As I looked around the empty cave my eyes landed on a small entrance. A dark hole to be exact.

I walked up to it since I never noticed it before. As I reached it I swiped a few vines away. I sigh and went in.

It was kinda hard not to slip down because because of how it was kinda like a slide.

When I jumped down and looked there was no one in sight just darkness and rocks. My eyes drift off to the ceiling and what I saw made me want to screech.

There they were, the boys peacefully sleeping upside down on a pole. I quickly backed away and dumped into the cave wall, making me jump in surprise and hide behind a few rocks.

I tried to calm my breath even harder when David's eyes opened. They were gold and his facial bones were raised.

He jumped down and lightly looked around before Dwayne followed suite.

"What's wrong, David?" Dwayne asked his friend with a confused look.

"I felt her," he trailed off as Dwayne's face softened.

"She's scared, distressed and hurt," he said clutching his chest. How does he known how I feel?

"Emotionally or physically?" A voice from upwards asked lightly sleepy. Which I recognized as Paul.

"Emotionally," Paul shrugged and closed his eyes.

Dwayne nodded, "Then when the sun goes down we will look for Billy but until that comes we need our rest,"

Dwayne flew up and David nodded lightly before joining the guys on the bar.

After about waiting for half an hour, I quickly but quietly went up and out of the hole to get out of the cave.

But still as I started leaving the cave I couldn't help but think about what I just saw.

His glowing eyes, his teeth, his facial features, how he just flew up there... it just scarred me. I don't even if I'll talk or see him again. I felt betrayed but just like David said, I was scarred, distressed and hurt.

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