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Nori's POV
Me and my boyfriend Paul were supposed to meet tonight. Yep, Paul, member of the lost boys and he couldn't be prouder. We first met on the boardwalk and it went on from there.

I still had maybe two hours before we had to meet so I decided to walk to the beach. I loved the feeling of sand on my feet, it relaxed me. I put my feet in the water as the waves crashed on them.

That's when I heard something, I listen a little more. Which I wish I didn't. They were screams, death screams.

I looked for the screams and found 4 figures ripping into other people's throats. I couldn't move. They're faces were all twisted up. I took a closer look and noticed that one of them was Paul.

He snapped his gaze at me. Instantly dropping the Surf Nazi from his grasp. He started walking towards me. I instantly rushed towards the boardwalk, were they're were people. I was running towards it until I bumped into a form, David. I then ran the other way, Dwayne. Marko and Paul filles the gaps completely blocking me.

I messed up bad now he's going to kill me. "I'm not going to kill you," Paul spoke up. I instantly backed away only to go straight into Marko when he grabbed my arms and held me there. I tried to get away from them. "Don't worry, Nori," Marko told me. "Turn her or kill her Paul," David said with Paul switching his gaze to David and then mine. "No, I'm not," I said, David cocked his eyebrows in amusement. "I'm sorry doll, you don't have a choice." I tied to back more and more into Marko while Paul came closer. "It's alright,everything's going to be fine," He grabbed me and bit me. I screamed bloody murder. A tear slipped out of my eye. It was so painful. I tried to push Paul away but he wouldn't budge. The boys left, Marko being the last looking at me, he felt bad.

Paul pulled me away and kissed my forehead and pulled some strands of hair out of my face. "I'm sorry. You're one of us now, baby girl."

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