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Excuse any mistakes ㊙️


Tichina decided to be out counselor being that the situation has gone far enough and we needed help honestly.

"Toni ima start with you. When Janet did what she did how did that make you feel, look at Janet and tell exactly what emotions took place." She turned to me looking directly in my eyes.

"It made me feel like I wasn't good enough for her. That though I gave one of best gift she's ever asked for even at the risk of my life. It's not the fact that you cheated but you tried to hide it from me, you could've told me we could've talked. You could've been understanding enough to know I would've gave to you if I could, if I was healed. Every night you came home from your excuses of working late smelling like him I was between your legs who knows I probably was tasting him too for all we know. It cut me deep that she'd do that to me after everything we've been through she did with no remorse no thoughts about how it would affect us. Then she let it go on for a couple of months the only reason and I believe the only reason she stopped was because I found out. It's sad that you don't even know much about your beautiful babygirl, Eissa has to teach you what to do, times to feed her, you should be teaching him. Fact of the matter is no I shouldn't have did what I did, yes it was wrong, but you just don't know what hurt you put in my heart what pain you inflicted on me. I don't trust you anymore Janet and what's the whole shit without trust huh? What you did, yea you know I love you but I won't forget. What I did I wanted you to feel exactly what I felt if not worse. I needed you to feel that, understand that you can't do that, understand that it hurts, understand that I won't hesitate leaving you because I don't need you. I love you but I love myself enough to know that I don't need you or the pain you cause." She told me and honestly hit me she was dead ass.

"Janet do you understand what she's telling you, do you understand what she feels."


"Can you tell Toni why you did what you did? Look at her and tell her. Toni listen closely." I backed up a little bit cause I know Toni she's liable to throw her shoe at my ass.

"Well I honestly can't tell you why. I just like since I didn't have Toni physically I was being abandoned. Like I seriously don't know why I di—." Toni slapped me without hesitation. Tichina eased on the other side of the room.

"How the fuck you don't know. You couldn't even stay by my side while I healed, while I bled. You wanna go out and get dick, if you was straight you wouldn't have married me. You should've been by my side Janet, that shows how little importance I am to you. You'd risk your marriage for a two month affair with shorty by nature. You so damn stupid, looking at you makes me sick at this point." She hit me again and I sat there and took it. I deserved it.

"Well next question how did it feel when she returned the favor."

"Oh man that hurt. I never knew Toni to have a bitter bone in her. Then to top it off they had sex in his car in our driveway you could here all her moans and screams. The shit hit the core, I only asked myself is that how I made her feel?"

"I felt worser cause you hid it from me for two damn months. I was thinking you was gone come to me and tell me so we could work non the issue but oh you thought you was gone continue and not get caught. That's fine that's cool, that's great cause once we leave here I rented you a house so you could stay there until I decide what I wanna do. Eissa goes with whoever he wants to, but Annasti coming with me."

"Toni that's my daughter to you over doing it."

"You over did it when you cheated. You can see her you want but I just need to get away from you before I kill you, understand."

"Toni you did the same to me yet you the one doing the most."

"Janet you cheated behind her back for two months straight, she ate you out not knowing if she was tasing him too. She cheated in-front of your face that's a difference."

"Shut up Tichina."

"Well if this is over Janet your stuff is at the other house I'll call you if I need you." I grabbed her arm looking her dead in the eyes. Tichina left out the room while we talked one on one.

"Toni wait baby. You're hurt I know, you hate me I know, just we need to work this out ma. I don't wanna lose you, you might don't need me but i need you. I'm sorry baby, I'll do whatever it takes, whatever you need me to do. I'm on my knees here baby, don't give up on me. It was a mistake I regret it and everything that came wit it. Baby it's you and me, no Tichina no James, Jermaine. Let's get away to work on us mentally I got ten vacation days and you go back next month. Baby come on don't do this, I love you." I tried to kiss her but she turned her head. I turned her head to me

"So you not gone kiss me." She let go as the doorbell rung. It was James holding Annasti and her baby bag.

"Toni hey, you told me to bring her back at this time unless you want me to keep her beautiful self. He tickled her belly as she laughed at him. A even sharper pain hit my stomach.

"Oh hey Janet. T y'all getting back together?"

"I haven't decided yet." She took Annasti from him and went into the den. Of course I was near by listening.

"Well until you decide let me take you and Annasti our for dinner tonight. We'll go somewhere fun where you can relax and forget about the mess at hand." This nigga trynna eased his way in and take my family from me oh hell no.

"I'd like that."

"Good, I'll go back home and get dress then come back here and help you with her. Sounds good?"

"Great." I peeked round the to watch then through the hallway mirro that was angled just right to see them where they were seated. He got up kissed Annasti's forehead then Toni's.

I moved back as if I was coming from the other bed room diagonal from the den.

"See you later Janet." He nodded his head going out the door.

Think Janet think, there's something that could pull Toni back to you just like it pulled her into you when y'all first met.

I refuse to let my Toni go to this body builder ass nigga.

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