chapter 1

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Forth's pov:

"You useless piece of shit! You can't do anything right. Why were you even born? You should just kill yourself and do evryone a favour." They kick and punch me while I'm on the ground.

They are my siblings who are supposed to love me. But they hate me this much. They beat me everyday. Kicking and punching me until i can't move.


Because even though I'm 20 years old, i still haven't shifted. I don't know why i can't shift. I can feel my wolf's presence but it feels like something is stopping him from reaching out to me.

And to make things worse I'm an omega. The lowest of all wolves. The weakest among the pack.

My parents look at me with disgust. They think I'm a bad omen for them. Our pack is known for having the strongest members out of all neighbouring packs. We are the second strongest pack in the whole country right after the red fang pack. So when a weak one like me was born, they didn't take it well. I'm made to live in a small cabin right behind the packhouse out of sight. No one wants to have anything to do with me.

But they can't just throw me out since it would ruin their reputation if other packs found out.

So now I'm just used as an object for the people in the pack to vent their frustration on. Whenever something bad happens they will always blame me saying I'm the reason for it. They will tie me up and torture me using different weapons from silver whips to silver rods. I can only scream in pain. But no matter how much i scream they don't care.

They will always stop right before i pass out and throw me into the cabin and leave me there with some medicine to put on my wounds so i won't die.

So now I'm just lying on the ground taking all the beating because i know theres nothing i can do. I'm not strong enough to be able to fight back. And if i utter a single word, they will only beat me more.

After a while they got bored and finally stopped.

"Tsk. You really are a useless bastard aren't you? I just told you to wash my bike and you scratched it! Do you not know how to do anything?" My brother Golf screamed at me.

"Leave him Golf. It's useless trying to say anything to him. We already beat him up enough. He'll know not do pull such shit again." My sister May glared down at me.

With that they turned around and went inside the packhouse.

The sun had already set and it was night time. I don't know how long they had been beating me.

I managed to get up and get into the cabin with a lot of struggle. My body was shaking and i had bruises everywhere.

I forced myself to get to the bed before collapsing. I just laid there staring at ceiling blankly.

Why do i have to go through this? What did i do wrong? It's not my fault i was born like this. Why do they have to hate me so much?

These questions kept repeating in my head but i couldn't find any answer. My vision started getting blurry and before long, tears were streaming down the sides of my face.

I curled into a ball and cried my heart out.

Help me. Please. Why can't you talk to me? I know you're there. I can feel your presence. It's ok if you don't want to shift. But please say something. I need you. I don't know how much more i can take on my own.

I tried to reach for my wolf but to no avail. I was answered with silence.

I cried harder.

Suddenly the door swung open and one of the pack members came in.

It was Korn, the beta. He had an angry expression on his face.

"There is a big party held by the red fang pack's alpha tomorrow. He invited all the packs in the country. All the pack members are to attend it. So get ready and wear some decent clothes. And try not to ruin our reputation while you're at it." he hissed.

With that he turned on his heels and left slamming the door behind him.

I sat up with a lot of struggle and got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

When i saw myself in the mirror i couldn't help but cry again. I had bruises on the my temple and on the corner of my lips. There were dark circles under my eyes. I don't remember the last time i was able to sleep peacefully without jolting awake in the middle of the night because of the nightmares that haunt me.

I knew I'll have to cover up everything with make up. I always have to act like i am loved infront of the other packs.

I took a shower and put some medicine on my bruises. Atleast they would heal a little by tomorrow.

My healing is only a tad faster than a normal humans' since i can't reach my wolf.

I put on a soft shirt and got into bed. Hoping that i would be able to get some sleep tonight. Otherwise i don't know if i would be able to keep myself from collapsing at the party tomorrow.

Will i finally be able to find my mate there? Will they accept such a weak one like me? Or am i just going to get rejected.

My only hope for escaping this hell is my mate. Even though it's already been two years i still keep up hope that I'll be able to find my mate and be happy. But at the same time the thought of meeting them scares me.

If they see the countless scars that litter my body and they know that i can't even shift into my wolf form will they still accept me? Or will they reject me?

Even with the fear i still keep up hope and pray to the moon goddess.

Pleas let me find my mate and finally escape from this hell. I want to be happy even for a few days it's fine. Please.

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