Chapter Twelve

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"You're Being So persistent.." She commented and looked away,

"Fine.." Her answer made Giyuu smile,

"Let's go then," The black haired boy polled her to his side,

"How come you're so familiar with this place? This is only the first time I've been here.." Shinobu said as she looked around,

"I used to take this route with my sister when I was in elementary.." Giyuu replied,

"used to? Why'd you stop?" She asked in confusion, He stopped walking and lowered his head,

"This place...." The boy knelt down and pot his hand on the street,

"I've lost my reason to coming here.." Shinobu looked at him and notice a tear rom down his face,

"Mr. Top Scorer?" She called owt, this action made him wipe the tear away quickly,

"Sorry about that.." He smiled at her, Giyuu then stood up pat her back,

"Let's go" The boy said as he walked past Shinobu,

"What happened here that made some one like him cry?" She thought to herself as she quickly followed him,


"This is your house right?" He asked pointing at a house with a red haired boy at the gate,

"Yeah.. wait is that.." Shinobu squinted her eyes and smiled,

"Kamado-kun?" She tapped the boy's shoulder,

"S-Shinobu-san!" The red haired boy named 'Kamado' said in a surprised voice,

"Are you here for Kanao?" She asked as Giyuu went closer to her,

"Y-Yes, also who's this?" Kamado asked as he pointed at Giyuu,

"This is my very boring batch-mate" She poked his face and smiled,

He took her finger off his face and did the same to Shinobu,

"Is this being boring?" He leaned in closer to her making the short girl flustered,

"y-you.." She shoved him away and opened the gate to their house,

"Kamado-kun, please go inside already" Shinobu smiled at him as a tic mark appeared on her forehead,

"Kocho." Giyuu called out and smiled at her,

"What do you want?" She asked in an annoyed tome,

"Good Night~" He teased and tapped her nose ,

"I hate you.." The girl blurted out and closed the gate,


"Shinobu, you're face is red" Kanae teased as Shinobu hid her face in her hands,

"I know.." She answered making Kanae laugh even more,

"Let's talk about that later, for now you should change into different clothes" Her sister said and smiled,

Giyuu laid down on his bed and smiled,

"Why are you so adorable Kocho..."
He thought to himself as he felt his heart beat faster,

suddenly he felt his phone ring,


"Younger Kocho, I found out who's been stalking your sister"

The voice sounded like the secretary's voice,


"You're not younger Kocho.."

"Who is this?"

"Tomioka Giyuu"

"Smart kid? How'd I end up calling you?"

"I don't know either.."
"Also what's this about a stalker?"
"Kocho said something about it once.."

"I guess i have to tell you now."
"There's someone stalking Kanae."


"I don't know everything, Smart kid."
"But Shinobu worked with me to find out who the hell it is"

"Who is it them?"

"Some asshole named Douma"
"He's after Shinobu aswell."


"Yeah, But I don't know how he looks like yet"

"Can I... Do anything to help?"

"Are you worried about the younger Kocho?"

"Don't worry, She'll be fine"
"anyways,I meed to go"
"See ya around"


As Giyuu pot his phone down he felt a pain in his heart,

It felt like deja vu.

Did something like this happen somewhere?

Whatever it's reason was,

Giyuu will never let go of someone he cared for ever again,

"I refuse to let it happen again." He said to himself,

No matter what.

Chapter twelve, end.

I bet you're thinking
"There's finally something happening in this story"

why am i excited for this part of the story-

Also in case you guys have writers block, try listening to music :3 it works for me,

Word Count: 666 (lmao-)

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