The Sun Meets The Moon (M)

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Solar was doing another live pole dance show at the underground lair of the school. Joy, who was the master of the place, had allowed her to do so after school hours, that way she would be alone. She was almost an hour in already, the perspiration was dripping down her body, giving her a glowing skin under stroboscopic lights. The last song started and she gave her everything to it.

What she didn't know is that there was one person lurking at the entrance of the room, admiring the way she moved her body, scrutinizing every exhibition of muscles, peering at every inch of unclothed skin. The girl in the mask was turning her on with her majestic seductive dance.

When the song stopped, Solar dropped on her knees, a smirk creeping on her face as she stared at the lens of the camera. She crawled up to it, imagining the excitement of the people watching « Until next time » she seductively whispered before cutting the feed. She let out a sigh of relief at the successful show, getting slowly up her feet due to her tired muscles. She froze as she was about to get her mask off and listened closely around the room, she could have sworn she heard someone breathe. The stroboscopic lights were still on, the only source of light and they only lit where she was. She frowned, if there was someone she would discover it soon enough.

She kept her mask on and walked slowly at the back of the room, she cut off the lights, drowning the room in temporary darkness before pushing the red neon light button. It lit the whole room dimly and Solar was met with the sight of a girl in uniform near the entrance like she suspected. The girl wasn't even trying to hide nor ran away, she kept staring at her. Since they were a bit far from each other, Solar couldn't really make out her expression but she could see her chest rising up and down intensely and it kind of made her proud that she had that effect on her. She strutted toward her and the girl kept her eyes on her the whole time, standing still. Solar recognized her from around the school. She was a bit shy if she remembered correctly and was one of the few who were always wearing pants. Solar had to give it to her, the whole vibe was exuding right now as really attractive.

« I don't know if you are aware, but I don't give free shows » she husked out.

« I wasn't aware there was someone here until I walked in » the girl said in a deep voice that Solar immediately wanted to hear say her name « And you were so entrancing that I couldn't leave »

« Since when were you watching? » Solar asked, stopping a meter away from her.

« 2 or 3 songs » she admitted.

Solar nodded, pursing her lips as she was thinking of a way to get closer to this interesting girl « I told you it wasn't free » she walked up to her slowly « How are you going to repay me? » she raised an eyebrow above her mask.

« I....I don't have money on me » the girl showed her her empty pants' pockets.

« Not everything has to be about money » Solar allured.

« Then what do you want? » the slightly taller girl asked. At that moment, she couldn't help herself checking out Solar and the pole-dancer noticed.

« First, I want your name? » Solar ordered.

« Moon » the said-girl answered. Solar checked her out as she turned around her like an animal ready to attack its prey and Moon became fidgety underneath her gaze. Solar stopped once back in front of her.

« Moon, what can you give me? » she smirked. Moon visibly gulped but her eyes began to exude a new sort of confidence. She kept staring at her for a moment and she was the one who closed the gap that Solar had left between them.

« I will do everything you want me to do and I can give you everything your viewer can't » she let out confidently. Solar's stomach flipped and an immediate warmth spread in her core. The lust she wanted her viewer to feel, she was now starting to experience it. The offer was tempting but her identity needed to be a secret still. Moon couldn't know who she was, or else, she could spread the news and she couldn't let that happen.

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